Just Push Play Fitness

September 6, 2009


Hi everyone,

Hockey has been awesome. The regular season starts this coming Friday against Drumheller. Should be a good game.

I take vitamins and protein powder from Nutrilite. I have not used the beach body products simply because I like what I am using now. I do plan in the future to use BB products just not right now.

For the past 2 weeks I have taking my vitamins and protein powder(1/2 scoop) right after workouts. Reason why I started doing this was because of some of the articles I have been reading about absorption rates being higher right after workouts. So I thought I would try it. I have to say I do believe there is some truth to it. Here are some of the differences I have felt:

1) No muscle soreness at all. Now when I went from 1-2 to 3-4 levels, I had some muscle fatigue but no soreness. The difference between the two levels is night and day.
2) Energy level is higher after the workouts then before. This might be the biggest difference. My recovery is very quick and I can move on with the rest of my day.
3) Less muscle fatigue is WAY LESS then before. Now I still feel it but at much lower degree after the workout.

I hope this some amount of info will help you decide to try the supplements after your workout. It did well for me, hopefully it will help you as well.

Have a great day

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