Just Push Play Fitness

October 29, 2012

Yesterdays Work Out – Insanity – Core Cardio and Balance

The work out went extremely well! I find it difficult to understand Shaun T as he says this is your recovery week, lets take it a bit easier. Yet at the end I am gasping for air! LOL

The pulses at the end working the entire core – hits me hard. Only on real strong days can I keep each leg up for the complete time. I find it frustrating that I can not seem to improve this track! Then comes the low squat and shoulder in and outs and circles. I did the complete track with out lowering my arms! It is true what they say, once you starting to improve your conditioning you push yourself harder and faster. This what I am finding, so matter what the result, I know that its improving my overall fitness!

Today we are doing Les Mill Pump – Pump and Shed! This is going to be a great workout. I had a very good sleep last night and had oatmeal this morning. I will start the workout in about 45 minutes – going to make my P90X energy and endurance drink and I am eating an apple with nuts!

Make your day great one! Get fit and stay fit!

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