Just Push Play Fitness

November 19, 2012

Yes! Your body does talk!




I am in some serious trouble! I have been active since the day I jumped out of the womb. For the first time in my life I have a lower back injury and it has hit me hard! It started three days ago with lower stiff back. The next day it was a little worse. I stretched, did yoga and felt much better. Yesterday it was tight again, but not so tight to limit any mobility. So down I went to my workout room and started Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning. Although tight in the lower back, I felt much better after the warm up and stretch. It went well through out the workout, pushed hard with no back issues. No pain, stiffness had gone away, I was feeling strong. Then in the last interval, we were doing 8 jump ropes and 8 mini squat jumps. Then it happened, lower back cramped up and instant pain. Now this morning, I have very limited mobility, I can not bend down and my right lower back is a great deal of pain! So now I am going to give myself seven days off to recover. I hope its enough…….

The issue was, my ego got in the way of recovery. I had ‘signs’ three days prior to hurting my back. The signs were there and I ignored them. So I created this issue and now I am out of commission. I know you have heard or read about the signs of over training. I want to give you a list of what I have learned from this experience.

  1. Schedule: The day I hurt my back, I had worked out 7 days in a row. With my busy hockey schedule, I finish my workouts  when I can. If I have time to do a workouts, I do it no matter what, because their are times when I go 3-4 days with no time to workout. My mentality needs to change, I will go 4 days at most and a day off, no matter my schedule. My suggestion is we make time for days off, remove your ego and give your body a well deserved day off!
  2. Stretching: I stretch more now then ever before. For us males flexibility for the most part is not something we talk about or do frequently enough. I need to stretch more and you likely do too. Make the time to stretch your body, holding each stretch for a duration of 5 to 8 second count. Remember to breath on each hold to help you length each stretch! If I had taken more time to stretch maybe this back issue would not have happened. The what ‘If’ scenario!
  3. Warning Signs: Everyone has different signs and you have to know your mind and body to read them. Physically mine is usually soreness/stiffness. Which my back was feeling three days ago. I did not listen to my body. Mentally if my mind is running a half step behind and not being able to focus  on the workout, I will shut myself down. My issue, like most males is I ignore the physical signs and keep pushing. I think my female viewers are much smarter when it comes to warning signs as they listen to their bodies and make smarter choices for the most part.
  4. Ego: You would think being 41 years of age, I would be smarter, but obviously time does not help with some stupidity. Ego is one of the biggest reasons for injuries, including overuse injuries like the one I am dealing with. If we would stop and listen when out body speaks, we would be much further ahead!

I hope this has made you consider when you take days off and how you treat your body. I have to make changes or this will likely happen again! When your body speaks, please listen!


  1. I have a bulging disc and have been off work on and off for 6 months (off at the moment) I am a avid hiker and enjoy being active. I am to get a MRI but I feel like a prisoner in my own body in the meantime till I know just how bad it is. Listening to your body is huge.. I didnt. Not only did I push myself when I first got injured but went back to work. Now I am hooped. Thanks for the read.

    Comment by Stefanie — November 19, 2012 @ 11:13 am | Reply

    • Hi Stefanie

      Sorry to hear about your injury. I hope your MRI gives you some answers to your back issue. I hope I have not done to much damage to my back. What symptoms are you still having after 6 months? Please stay in touch I would like to know how things are going. Stay positive and visualize those walks you will have once you get healthy! Take care!

      Comment by Just Push Play Fitness — November 19, 2012 @ 11:52 am | Reply

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