Just Push Play Fitness

November 25, 2012

Christmas, Back and Son’s First Goal

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Good Morning everyone! Great day here! Up early to take my son to his hockey game. He worked hard and was rewarded with his first goal of the year. He comes flying over to the bench to give me high five. It was priceless. HAHA Wish I had a picture!
How is everyone Long week south of the border? From all the messages on my FB page it looks like everyone is enjoying family, friends, some food (wink, wink) and putting up Christmas decorations! That awesome! We put up our tree and decorations on December 1st and I cant wait! I love Christmas spirit and the kids get excited.We are taking them to the Rocky Mountains in small town called Canmore to do some skiing. They won’t know till the 23rd when we leave early that morning! Great for all of us to spend quality time together, get me away from hockey and for me and Shellie to have time to ourselves as well! What plans do you have for Christmas? Please comment below!
My Back is still acting up but I am going to Yoga tomorrow and likely all week just to work it out a bit and see the response. Its been a bit frustrating be honest. I have not had many injuries in my life, so I am struggling with this. My diet has been very clean though and if my back doesn’t improve I am thinking of doing the ultimate reset nutrition program and reset my body.

Just quick update! Have a great Sunday!


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