Just Push Play Fitness

November 20, 2012

Beach Body Work Outs Meet Black Friday


Just a reminder for anyone looking to start or purchase a fitness program for a friend/family member. Beach Body will be having a huge sale this week. I am very excited! More info to come shortly on my FB and blog – stay tuned in! You wont want to miss it!

September 6, 2009


Hi everyone,

Hockey has been awesome. The regular season starts this coming Friday against Drumheller. Should be a good game.

I take vitamins and protein powder from Nutrilite. I have not used the beach body products simply because I like what I am using now. I do plan in the future to use BB products just not right now.

For the past 2 weeks I have taking my vitamins and protein powder(1/2 scoop) right after workouts. Reason why I started doing this was because of some of the articles I have been reading about absorption rates being higher right after workouts. So I thought I would try it. I have to say I do believe there is some truth to it. Here are some of the differences I have felt:

1) No muscle soreness at all. Now when I went from 1-2 to 3-4 levels, I had some muscle fatigue but no soreness. The difference between the two levels is night and day.
2) Energy level is higher after the workouts then before. This might be the biggest difference. My recovery is very quick and I can move on with the rest of my day.
3) Less muscle fatigue is WAY LESS then before. Now I still feel it but at much lower degree after the workout.

I hope this some amount of info will help you decide to try the supplements after your workout. It did well for me, hopefully it will help you as well.

Have a great day

August 12, 2009

8 days in a Row

Filed under: Cardio 1-2,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 8:55 pm
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Tonight will be 8 days straight of doing P90. My body felt tired yesterday but my wife kicked my ass and I had one of my best workouts to date! Funny how that works, not interested in doing a work out then BANG you are flying through it! We are doing sweat 1-2 tonight – time to push even harder.

For some reason I have not been sleeping well. Maybe it has to do with my job change. Going to leave the University for an Auction house. This will allow me to go to more Kodiak practices in the morning!! WOOT!
I will be doing advertising which I have never done. It will be super interesting and a steep learning curve! I start on September 1st.

Last night Sweat 1-2

Filed under: Cardio 1-2,Fitness Information,Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 1:45 am

Hi everyone. There is no question that my body is changing just short of 30 days. The beach body programs are worth every penny up to this point. My stomach is flattening, my arms and legs are more toned. I feel better and eat way better. My kids are noticing 🙂 Just a very good feeling!

For sculpt last night I used 2 pound hand weights when doing the punches. WOW what a difference on the 2 set. So if you want to spice your round up buy some 2 pound hand weights. The 7-7-7 pushups is still not were I like them. I am stronger but it is very slow improvement. I will need other two weeks to beable to move in the direction I need to be for Sculpt 3-4. Sweat 1-2 is a different story. I am thinking maybe one more week at levels 1-2 and then move on to 3-4. Which by the way is much harder! The real test will be Monday – measurements, weigh in and pictures!

July 12, 2009

Cardio 1-2 July 12 09

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Cardio 1-2,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 7:06 pm
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I just finished my Beach Body P 90 cardio 1-2. It was a great time. I felt strong from start to finish. I can still push it up a notch but that will come in time. My balance has improved although still “tipping” at times. My strength on the power yoga – crescent and warrior stance is becoming stronger. Overall, very happy with my overall results.

I am a little disappointed with leaving for next week to the Under 16 Hockey Alberta Camp. Not that I don’t want to be there but because the my P-90 is going in the direction I want it to. I just don’t want to lose momentum. I plan on doing some of the fat burning express and P 90 cardio during the morning or night. Just depends on my other commitments. I was selected to be an assistant coach for the Under 16 Challenge Cup. The best 15 year old hockey players from Alberta, BC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan are playing a short term tourny during the end of October. I am very excited about this opportunity.

Ad Ripper was tough again. The exercise where you have your legs straight in the air, your thumbs locked and you try to touch your toes, KILLS me every time!!! From there I cant keep up to Tony and the Kids pace. I power through it and I know 3 weeks from now I will have it down pat!

Have to run my son’s birthday party in 1 hour. Have to get the water balloons ready – its going to be a wet wet wet time!

July 11, 2009

Cardio work out last night

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Cardio 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 1:20 pm
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Overall it was great intensity, Other then our youngest son interupting us – had a bad dream. Last cylce with punching and kicking is surprisingly difficult. I picked up the intensity with the speed and stonger punches and kicks. You can feel a noticable difference. The power yoga moves are difficult; my balance as improved but my flexability is brutal. Although its better it is along ways of from being comfortable.

The ab ripper was far better then the first time. I had to hesitate for a couple second, first on the “touch your feet”, second was the very last exercise. I try to work on form when do these exercises, so I run a little behind Tony and the kids.

I have not felt very tired going into the workouts. Even though I dont sleep more then 7 hours on any given night, the diet seems to be working eating 5 smaller meals per day. The biggest reason I think is because I have cut out some of the process foods and I have not eat any pasta for almost a week. Although I am sure a little pasta is a good thing. Have to run, my oldest son wants to play a game – “Battleships”. Take care

July 9, 2009

Cardio/Ab Ripper July 8

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Cardio 1-2,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:29 pm
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Whew, I was sore to start this workout. My lats, chest, abs and calves were all screaming last night! As the workout went along the soreness was less of an issue. I am surprised at how hard you work in a span of 35 minutes. Then you add other 5 minutes with ad ripper. This is much better then a gym. I wish I would have found these dvd’s sooner! I wasted lots of money on monthly memberships that I did even use.

As I stated before, my wife and I are dong this together. She is doing terrific! She struggles with the diet but she is doing agreat job of staying on top of it. I am proud of her. We do have a long way to go. Day 4 of 90 days today!

It is my sons birthday tomorrow. He woke up today and thought it was today. He was dissappointed! LOL He will be 9. Time flys, it seems he was 5 just yesterday.

Get off the couch and into P90!

July 8, 2009

Sculpting 1-2 Beach Body

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Cardio 1-2,P 90,Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:47 pm
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Well ……………… in knew it would be a challenge but the workout last night just showed how out of shape I really am. IT is always nice to get a good dose of reality! The stacking of exercises and constant movement looks easy but doing it is other story, even with Tony stretch breaks. 

The push ups really killed me in the end. The 7-7-7 was tough and barely completed them (form was terrible). The other issue was doing my reps to fast. They do the reps way slower. So I was finding my self doing 20 reps to their 15. I have a lot of work to do. I am slightly sore but more fatiqued in arms and chest. I also now this is just day 2 of 90 days, so I can only go UP!

My son again did the work out with me. He has sore arms today. I let him use the 2 pound weights. He is trooper, did the compete 30 minutes. Back to cardio 1-2 tonight and Ab Ripper. My abs are still sore from Monday – in fact they are worse not better LOL. Talk to you later!

July 7, 2009

First Rip at P90 Cardio

Filed under: Cardio 1-2,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:32 am
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First go through on Cardio 1-2 for P90. Overall impressions was top notch. My level of intensity was good not great. Not knowing the exercises as   Tony Horton moved along caused some delays. But the weeks ahead will be better thus my intensity will increase. There was much more arm movement involved tonight then the past week with the fat burner. Amazing the work out your arms receive when keeping in air for period of time. The Ab Ripper was the hardest. I could not complete it and had to have a break but did finish it. I know my weakness and my mid section is it. Have lots of work to do there!

My 9 year old son (Shea) worked out with me from start to end. He did a terrific job. I think I will by one of beach bodies kids workouts if he continues to have an interest. Funny watching a young boy trying to do movements old people have  a tough time doing! He laughed at Tony alot. LOL

Have a great night I will have my todays meal plan tomorrow! Good night!

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