Just Push Play Fitness

November 22, 2012

Shhhhhhh, Just Sweep It Under The Rug

I don’t have time. My spouse doesn’t support me. I will start after my holidays. We all have them, we have all said them. What am I talking about? Excuses! I find in society today, ‘excuse-ittis’ is a common occurrence. There is no responsibility to eat properly or too take time to exercise. As everyday goes by, our ability to do daily chores decreases, we have more aches and pains, we breath a little heavier coming up the stairs and we lack energy throughout the day. We ignore these dangerous warning signs. Lets look the other way and sweep it under the rug and forget about it!

Why do we have this ability to ignore these red flags? Oh, I want to enjoy the simpler things in life! Once again the excuses come rolling off our tongues.  There are reasons for the way we think and it is creating a huge epidemic with our culture.

1) Laziness: We in North America are lazy. We all want things instantly and in many cases we wont work/strive for what we want. The things we want are far to easy to get, smart phones, vehicles, credit and on and on. Everything is readily available, we don’t need to plan our meals, we just drive down to the local drive through.  We all know we need to be healthy but the facts are, to find 30 minutes a day is just to  much work for us organize it.

2) Addiction: Take a look around and watch how much time we all spend on our computers, smart phones, I-pads, I-pods and tablets. We are a ‘plugged in’ society. Just think of how much wasted time you spend playing useless games like Angry Birds. Those minutes add up into hours and we don’t even know it! Take 30 minutes of that time and invest into yourself and go for a walk.

3) Our Company: In some cases the people that are most prominent in our lives can and will hold us back from doing what we know we should do. I had a middle age lady want to join one of my challenge groups and was ready to move forward in her health but her husband talked her out of it. It most cases we might blame the husband and i agree he was a complete ass in our meeting. I look at this other way, we need to be leaders of OURSELVES! We need to step up and make a difference and stop allowing other people to control what they want us to feel and think.  Show some internal leadership, stand up and make a difference in your life and take charge!

4) Ignorance: This is my favorite! People just sweep their health and nutrition right under the rug. There are people and you likely know a few, who wait to the last moments to go see a doctor about a health issue. We are ignorant to think all the poor eating and lack of exercise will not catch up with us! We only have one body, not everything can be fixed by a plastic surgeon. We need to be ‘Real’ with what is happening to us and face the facts that we are responsible for  living a healthy life and it doesn’t matter what the Jones are doing down the street! We need to take back out lives and life them with passion and integrity!

The biggest aspect is we have to find out WHY. Why do I need to make changes to my laziness, over come my addictions, show some personnel leadership and don’t be blind to what is happening to and around me! When you find your ‘why’ and hopefully its not to late, you can remove all the skeletons you have swept under the rug! Take action now!


November 20, 2012

Beach Body Work Outs Meet Black Friday


Just a reminder for anyone looking to start or purchase a fitness program for a friend/family member. Beach Body will be having a huge sale this week. I am very excited! More info to come shortly on my FB and blog – stay tuned in! You wont want to miss it!

November 19, 2012

Yes! Your body does talk!




I am in some serious trouble! I have been active since the day I jumped out of the womb. For the first time in my life I have a lower back injury and it has hit me hard! It started three days ago with lower stiff back. The next day it was a little worse. I stretched, did yoga and felt much better. Yesterday it was tight again, but not so tight to limit any mobility. So down I went to my workout room and started Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning. Although tight in the lower back, I felt much better after the warm up and stretch. It went well through out the workout, pushed hard with no back issues. No pain, stiffness had gone away, I was feeling strong. Then in the last interval, we were doing 8 jump ropes and 8 mini squat jumps. Then it happened, lower back cramped up and instant pain. Now this morning, I have very limited mobility, I can not bend down and my right lower back is a great deal of pain! So now I am going to give myself seven days off to recover. I hope its enough…….

The issue was, my ego got in the way of recovery. I had ‘signs’ three days prior to hurting my back. The signs were there and I ignored them. So I created this issue and now I am out of commission. I know you have heard or read about the signs of over training. I want to give you a list of what I have learned from this experience.

  1. Schedule: The day I hurt my back, I had worked out 7 days in a row. With my busy hockey schedule, I finish my workouts  when I can. If I have time to do a workouts, I do it no matter what, because their are times when I go 3-4 days with no time to workout. My mentality needs to change, I will go 4 days at most and a day off, no matter my schedule. My suggestion is we make time for days off, remove your ego and give your body a well deserved day off!
  2. Stretching: I stretch more now then ever before. For us males flexibility for the most part is not something we talk about or do frequently enough. I need to stretch more and you likely do too. Make the time to stretch your body, holding each stretch for a duration of 5 to 8 second count. Remember to breath on each hold to help you length each stretch! If I had taken more time to stretch maybe this back issue would not have happened. The what ‘If’ scenario!
  3. Warning Signs: Everyone has different signs and you have to know your mind and body to read them. Physically mine is usually soreness/stiffness. Which my back was feeling three days ago. I did not listen to my body. Mentally if my mind is running a half step behind and not being able to focus  on the workout, I will shut myself down. My issue, like most males is I ignore the physical signs and keep pushing. I think my female viewers are much smarter when it comes to warning signs as they listen to their bodies and make smarter choices for the most part.
  4. Ego: You would think being 41 years of age, I would be smarter, but obviously time does not help with some stupidity. Ego is one of the biggest reasons for injuries, including overuse injuries like the one I am dealing with. If we would stop and listen when out body speaks, we would be much further ahead!

I hope this has made you consider when you take days off and how you treat your body. I have to make changes or this will likely happen again! When your body speaks, please listen!

November 18, 2012

Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning – Nov 18, 2012

Officially messed my back up just now. Not sure what is up with is, no real pain just very stiff. Completed Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning! It feels like it was never going to end! The crazy thing when you get fitter is you push harder! It never becomes easier but that I why do it. I love a challenge. I will do some stretches tonight before bed and tomorrow. Hopefully it feels good enough to go for a swim with Shellie. If not day off. Off for some results and recovery formula, supper and then a movie!

November 17, 2012

Les Mills Pump and Shred November 17, 2012

Just completed Les Mills Pump and Shred! Great 45 minute workout! Upped the weights on the squat track, shaky at the end. Chest track gave me some troubles as I was gassed with the bar but pulled out 18 push ups at the end. The most since I started Les Mills Pump. The best news was my lunge track, I was much stronger through the 5 minutes! Which makes me extremely happy as usually struggle both physically and mentally! Off to have me Results and Recovery drink then off to the rink! Make it a great night!
PS – My new blog is coming shortly. It will be much different, and it will com with pictures of where I was and were I am now! Big difference! You all can commit to a healthy life style! Find your ‘Why’!! Team Beach Body has great programs like Les Mills Pump, nutrition with shakeology and the support (thru me) to help you!

November 16, 2012

Slim in 6 On Sale for a Limited Time




Reshape your body in just 6 weeks with Slim in 6®. Thousands of people have lost up to 25 pounds in 6 weeks with this breakthrough system—and you can too.

This is a limited Time Offer – Grab it while you can!

Slim in 6 Base Kit: Was $59.85, NOW: $39.90

Click Here for more information!


November 15, 2012

Healthy Diet over the Holidays and Timely Workouts

Holidays are a time of celebration and great times with family and friends. It can also be a time to over enjoy the sweat foods. Where nothing is off limits. There’s the Pot of Gold, turtles,  candy canes and numerous cookies and other indulgences to satisfy our sweet tooth. It is never ending! Then comes (for most of us) the multiple Christmas suppers/parties, with full course meals that includes seconds and pie! AHHHH the holidays are a great time!

But, at some point in late December,  that one moment, where nothing FITS! You stand their dumbfounded, how could I allow this to happened! Well there is a way you can reverse the trend! Its called  “healthy life style” choices. The ability to take control of what you put in your mouth, the commitment to “buy in” to having a healthy and productive life style. Each and every one of us can  accomplish this!

Thanksgiving and Christmas is a time of celebrating and enjoying the good things in life. You don’t have to completely give up your favorite foods during this time. Just be smarter about what you eat and “buy in” to living a healthy live style!

1. Find Time For Your Workouts – This should be top on your list everyday to make the commitment to find the time for your workout. I won’t argue that time can be stretched at this time of the year. Maybe its an early morning workout, you shorten the workouts from 1 hour to 3o minutes or instead of driving to the gym you do a home work out program like Beach Body’s P90.
Just make the time you feel better and more importantly you will feel better about your self!

2. Cut Out The Alcohol – Okay okay, I can here the pitch forks clamoring up my front step. As we now some alcohol has some health benefits, but only in moderation. It is important to know how much you are consuming over this period of time and keep it in moderation. Stay away from the cream liquors as they pack a heavy calorie count.

3. Hydration – Due to increased alcohol and other types of drinks available during the Holiday Season, we can forget about our water intake. Drinking waster is an excellent way, to help us decrease our cravings for the sweet foods to a manage level. Plus, more importantly the body needs water to operate effectively, especially during and after those workouts. Water is a key to a healthy holiday!

4. Food Preparation – Refrigerate the gravy to harden the fat, then skim it off! You would surprised how much fat you will remove! Use skim milk in those mashed potatoes or replace with my favorite sweet potato. Everyone likes the dressing but decrease the bread and add more veggies, cranberries and use chicken broth for flavor instead of butter.

5. Portions – Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Savor your favorite foods while eating small portions. This is a trick I have done in the past, use a smaller plate to eat off of!

I hope you all have a great festive season with fun, conversation and being around the people that matter most to you.
Keep you nutrition and health in the forefront when making your daily plans!

November 10, 2012

Les Mills Pump and Shredded me!

Good evening, Shellie and I completed Les Mill Pump and Shred just before supper! I have yesterday off because my body was completely messed up. My muscles and mind were struggling to complete any task. I ate very well and had a great 7 hour sleep. I have been drinking much more water in the last week and I feel a big difference overall. My energy has been more consistent through out the day, not the huge drop around 3 pm. My body feels more alert and strong then in the past. I also commend taking shakeology. Just adds so many nutrients into my system that typically would never have with my normally healthy diet. So,  I feel much better today!

The work was fantastic tonight. I was strong and focused throughout the workout. I pushed hare through each track. I had to stop for a couple seconds for rest in the chest, back, lunge and shoulder tracks. I have no issue with this as went to failure in each track with now lowering my weight. I added weight to the back and shoulder tracks. The ab track was solid, took my time and felt the burn! Overall, very happy with this workout, the day off helped!

We both took the energy and endurance formula before we did Les Mills Pump and Shred! Shellie also had supper already made prior to the workout. I was Quinoa with mixed veggies. It was fantastic! She mixed the Quinoa in with peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, garlic powder and chicken broth. She mixed it all together and we topped it off with either hot sauce or salsa! Yummy! Great meal to have right after a workout. I will finish of the night with Tropical shakeology!

I made good choices today and I feel strong and I feel healthy! Have a great night!

November 8, 2012

Your fitness Goal has been reached, Now What?

Over the past couple weeks since I have been spreading the news of my involvement with Team Beach Body. One question has been asked more then any other. “I reached my goal(s) and then I fell back back into my old rut and lose everything I gained! I’m frustrated, what do I need to do to make me happy?”  When I  first heard these stories, I was confused. If you reached you goals, then continue doing what got you there. Seems like the simple answer, but it is not the case.

After talking to numerous people this past week, they talked about things such as boredom, lack of support, weak nutritional habits (no accountability)  and time commitment. These are just a few reasons for their down fall. At the end of the day like I told many of them, they are making excuses of not breaking their old habits. On a positive side there are ways to keep the momentum going once you have reached your original goal(s).

1) BE PROACTIVE: This is something my Dad told me when I was very young. Know where you are going before you get there. Look at new goals that you might want to achieve. One new goal might be a new workout program just to relieve the boredom from the previous program. Have the program ready to use a week prior to finishing your original program, so you can review and understand your new work before starting it. A must do, is set new short and long term goals! I was shocked what was hearing, that many of them never thought of making new goals. Take the time to write out what else you might want to achieve. Really the list can be endless if you are pro-active!

2) FIND POSITIVE SUPPORT: During the conversations, I found out most of the goals were  to lose weight. To their credit most reached their goals on their own with no or very little support. Many talked about their personal struggles not having anyone to open up to through good and down times. They felted mentally fatigued.  You need to find someone who you can trust, respect and to listen and give advice. This person can help you keep you on track and you transition from one goal to the next. They should keep you accountable for the actions and decisions you make. For example, the  WOWY Super Gym would be one tool people can use to have a buddy system, or find a coach/trainer (I can help you for Free)  who can help you guide your way with their experience.

3) LIFE STYLE: Its an interesting society we live in. Many people do things for the short term, for the immediate result. Once that result has been achieved we fall back into the old habits. Soon we find out selves wallowing in our own self pity. This might be the biggest key to keeping your fitness moving forward. Its simple, if you want to be more fit its not a matter of making small or large sacrifices but the mentality which you are willing to make a life style change! This life style change includes nutrition, self talk, committed workout days and better sleep habits. They must understand their  healthy live style becomes a part of who they, how they think and what they eat. They must be committed to their health long term!

I was impressed many of the people I talked with reached their original goal(s)! To keep consistent and motivated to make a true life style change, which can be stressful for many people. To relief some of the stress, positive self talk and finding someone who is supportive with your goals, are Key!  It happened to me last night. It was late (9.30 pm) and I was tired and I said to my wife , “I am not going to do  yoga tonight.” She said she would do it with me, even after her 40 minute swim that morning. How can I say no to her when she has already worked out. So off we went to our workout room to do Tony Horton’s Fountain of Youth yoga. It was a great workout!  Thanks Hun for supporting my new healthy life style!

November 6, 2012

Recovery Drink Tip

When exercising it is wise to have a electrolyte drink available to sip during your session. There are a number of drinks available. The most popular with young athletes is Gatorade.Make sure you mix half water and half Gatorade, absorption is much higher. Other electrolyte drinks would be P90X Recovery Formula or Bio Steele. Drink up – its good for you!

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