Just Push Play Fitness

November 20, 2012

Beach Body Work Outs Meet Black Friday


Just a reminder for anyone looking to start or purchase a fitness program for a friend/family member. Beach Body will be having a huge sale this week. I am very excited! More info to come shortly on my FB and blog – stay tuned in! You wont want to miss it!

October 16, 2009

P90 time is coming to an end

Filed under: Fitness Information,P 90,P90X — Just Push Play Fitness @ 6:59 pm
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5 more days left and P-90 is history!

Sad in a way but very excited about P90X. I have been watching the CD’s and it is going to be extremely more difficult. P-90 did its job though I will post my results unlike not posting stats for day 60. I still have the pictures for day 60 and I will make sure Day 30,60 and 90 go up.

The only issue and I have mentioned this before is the repetition on P90. By the end its just boring. Having said that it is easy and very effective for an out of shape person to get a head start on their fitness. I would promote this program to everyone who has not done any regular activity in a while.

My results have been fantastic! I did want to have more defined abs than I have right now. I think this might have to do more with genetics as I have always had trouble losing the fat on my lower back and sides. My diet overall I would rate as around 85 to 90%. Although lately I have had more meals and treats then anytime during the first 75 days. Having said all this I am fitting in pants that I have not had on in 2 years. So my body is moving in the right direction.

Were to now. I have 5 days left of exercise with P90. I will take two days off once I am done and start doing some p90x routines to get use to the pace and craziness Tony drives us to do. Then Nov 1 is my test day for P90X and then Back/Chest on the 2nd.

Its great to see something thru from start to finish. I look fwd to the the challenges P90X will bring! I all I have to remember is – PUSH PLAY and BRING IT!

September 22, 2009

Ab Ripper

Filed under: Ab Ripper,P 90,sculpt 3-4,sweat 3-4 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:12 pm
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Hi Everyone,
No pictures yet as I have not had time to grab my wife to take them. I hopefully will have them up by this weekend.

I am now moving to level 3 to level 4 with sculpt and sweat. Simple pushing my self harder. For ad ripper 200 I have moved from 20 to 25 reps per exercise. Made a huge difference regarding the intensity.

I feel 100% stronger in the last 2 weeks. My cloths feel looser. The only issue is, I want to eat more then my 2000 calories. I will stick with my calorie count for the next month, then decide what to do from there.

I am considering doing P90X next over the P90 Master Series. Not sure what to do. If anyone has suggests, please add your comments.

September 6, 2009


Hi everyone,

Hockey has been awesome. The regular season starts this coming Friday against Drumheller. Should be a good game.

I take vitamins and protein powder from Nutrilite. I have not used the beach body products simply because I like what I am using now. I do plan in the future to use BB products just not right now.

For the past 2 weeks I have taking my vitamins and protein powder(1/2 scoop) right after workouts. Reason why I started doing this was because of some of the articles I have been reading about absorption rates being higher right after workouts. So I thought I would try it. I have to say I do believe there is some truth to it. Here are some of the differences I have felt:

1) No muscle soreness at all. Now when I went from 1-2 to 3-4 levels, I had some muscle fatigue but no soreness. The difference between the two levels is night and day.
2) Energy level is higher after the workouts then before. This might be the biggest difference. My recovery is very quick and I can move on with the rest of my day.
3) Less muscle fatigue is WAY LESS then before. Now I still feel it but at much lower degree after the workout.

I hope this some amount of info will help you decide to try the supplements after your workout. It did well for me, hopefully it will help you as well.

Have a great day

September 2, 2009

The 3-4 level

Filed under: Ab Ripper,P 90,sculpt 3-4,sweat 3-4 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:25 am
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I have done sculpt and Sweat 3-4 with ab ripper 200, twice each.

Lets just say it is no normal jump. Levels 3-4 are WAY harder.

Couple differences:

1) I moved up from 10lbs to 15-20 lbs and still doing anywhere from 12 to 15 reps.
2) I 80% of the squats and lunges with dumbells
3) There 40% more pushups with different variety
4) Less rest time between sets
5) Sweat has more pace and intensity
6) I use 2lbs hand weight when doing leg kicks and arm punches
7) Ab ripper 100 does very little to prepare you for the 200. I just keep up with Tony and the kids. Just keeping up means very poor form by the end of the round. I am now not trying to keep up but concentrate more on form.

My body feels very drained after each work out and I can feel a difference the next day with my recovery as my muscles feel slightly heavy in the morning.

The best news is my body is changing and I am leaning out with greater definition.

August 14, 2009

P 90 Update – The 5 Changes in my Life!

Filed under: Fitness Information,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:39 pm
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I have to say things are going well with the workouts. There are some very good changes happening:

1) The workouts are starting to become a part of my day that I NEED TO complete!
2) My attitude towards unhealthy food has changed – I dont crave it as much anymore. I would like to have some chocolate every now and then.
3) I feel stronger and more energized through out the day
4) My clothes fit looser then every before. To the point I will need belt for my shorts by day 60! If there is not snow on the ground of course.
5) I am becoming more of a believer in Beach Body ideals, beliefs and products as each day goes by. If you just committ these programs can only help you!

Doing Sweat 1-2 tonight. Sculpt went very well last night! I am feeling stronger just a matter of time with the 7-7-7!
Have a great day!

August 12, 2009

8 days in a Row

Filed under: Cardio 1-2,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 8:55 pm
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Tonight will be 8 days straight of doing P90. My body felt tired yesterday but my wife kicked my ass and I had one of my best workouts to date! Funny how that works, not interested in doing a work out then BANG you are flying through it! We are doing sweat 1-2 tonight – time to push even harder.

For some reason I have not been sleeping well. Maybe it has to do with my job change. Going to leave the University for an Auction house. This will allow me to go to more Kodiak practices in the morning!! WOOT!
I will be doing advertising which I have never done. It will be super interesting and a steep learning curve! I start on September 1st.

August 10, 2009

P-90 Update

Filed under: Diet Plan,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 8:30 pm
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I have made some minor adjustments to my diet the last week. Just playing around to see if I have more energy for my workouts. I added pasta back into my diet. Now the thing is I love pasta and can eat plate after plate. What I did do is proper portion control and what a difference. My workouts were fantastic!!! The latest Sweat 1-2 and Sculpt 1-2 were the best since I started. I will keep the pasta in but I will not make a staple to my meal plan. I also have to incorporate brown rice into the picture. Not much of rice eater but it is a good source of carbohydrates! I am learning more as I go along.

Talk soon!

August 6, 2009

Sculpt 1-2 Update

Filed under: P 90,Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 4:17 pm
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Did P90 Sculpt 1-2 last night. Overall give it a 8 out of 10.

Still struggling with the 7-7-7 pushups. I can get to 15 and then have to go on my knees to finish the rest. Also I am not doing the pushups at the same time as Tony, thus I am done quicker. I have to start to slow down. I will have to pick up some heavier weight here soon as the 10lbs is just not enough for the back exercises and bicep exercies. It will do for now.

I do use the resistence bands as a change of pace. Overall very effective and in some cases much harder then the weights. The bands work well for the military press and Swimmer press.

My muscles were bagged by the end. As I pushed hard throughout the 30 minutes. I am less then two weeks away from posting my measurements and pictures for 30 days in. Cant wait to see the improvment.

July 12, 2009

Cardio 1-2 July 12 09

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Cardio 1-2,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 7:06 pm
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I just finished my Beach Body P 90 cardio 1-2. It was a great time. I felt strong from start to finish. I can still push it up a notch but that will come in time. My balance has improved although still “tipping” at times. My strength on the power yoga – crescent and warrior stance is becoming stronger. Overall, very happy with my overall results.

I am a little disappointed with leaving for next week to the Under 16 Hockey Alberta Camp. Not that I don’t want to be there but because the my P-90 is going in the direction I want it to. I just don’t want to lose momentum. I plan on doing some of the fat burning express and P 90 cardio during the morning or night. Just depends on my other commitments. I was selected to be an assistant coach for the Under 16 Challenge Cup. The best 15 year old hockey players from Alberta, BC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan are playing a short term tourny during the end of October. I am very excited about this opportunity.

Ad Ripper was tough again. The exercise where you have your legs straight in the air, your thumbs locked and you try to touch your toes, KILLS me every time!!! From there I cant keep up to Tony and the Kids pace. I power through it and I know 3 weeks from now I will have it down pat!

Have to run my son’s birthday party in 1 hour. Have to get the water balloons ready – its going to be a wet wet wet time!

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