Just Push Play Fitness

November 20, 2012

Beach Body Work Outs Meet Black Friday


Just a reminder for anyone looking to start or purchase a fitness program for a friend/family member. Beach Body will be having a huge sale this week. I am very excited! More info to come shortly on my FB and blog – stay tuned in! You wont want to miss it!

October 24, 2009

Dry run on P90X

Filed under: Ab Ripper X,P90X,Pull Ups,push ups — Just Push Play Fitness @ 7:14 pm
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I am doing some dry runs on P90X. I have the Under 16 Challenge Cup to coach in next week. So starting in November I will start P90X have the pics taken and the fitness test down.

Today I am going to do a dry run with Chest and Back. I have the pullup bar installed, taken my protein drink and I am ready to GO! Let the Pain begin – Bring IT Tony Horton!

Okay so I did Chest and Back about 30 minutes ago. Yes its tough, thank God I did P90 before!
Push Ups – Did average of 15 for each exercise – dive bombers max at about 9 – loved the push ups.
Pull Ups – Only could do 1 to 3 on my own then used the chair. I did a total of 10 reps for all pullups. I will increase this number next time thru.
Ab Ripper X – What a mess. I can not do many of the exercises. Climbing my leg I cant even do. I have so much work to do here. It was frustrating. Considering I can get thru the P90 level 3-4 with out breaks. I cant see how a person who is completely out of shape can work thru this work. For the ones that do – my hat is off to you!!!!!

When Tony says take your supplements – I always think “stop selling your products”. I agree!, get a recovery drink, protein powder and vitamins. This is much more then just visiting your local gym or doing a simple yoga class. Eat right and do what you can. Tomorrow Plyo. I cant wait!

October 16, 2009

P90 time is coming to an end

Filed under: Fitness Information,P 90,P90X — Just Push Play Fitness @ 6:59 pm
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5 more days left and P-90 is history!

Sad in a way but very excited about P90X. I have been watching the CD’s and it is going to be extremely more difficult. P-90 did its job though I will post my results unlike not posting stats for day 60. I still have the pictures for day 60 and I will make sure Day 30,60 and 90 go up.

The only issue and I have mentioned this before is the repetition on P90. By the end its just boring. Having said that it is easy and very effective for an out of shape person to get a head start on their fitness. I would promote this program to everyone who has not done any regular activity in a while.

My results have been fantastic! I did want to have more defined abs than I have right now. I think this might have to do more with genetics as I have always had trouble losing the fat on my lower back and sides. My diet overall I would rate as around 85 to 90%. Although lately I have had more meals and treats then anytime during the first 75 days. Having said all this I am fitting in pants that I have not had on in 2 years. So my body is moving in the right direction.

Were to now. I have 5 days left of exercise with P90. I will take two days off once I am done and start doing some p90x routines to get use to the pace and craziness Tony drives us to do. Then Nov 1 is my test day for P90X and then Back/Chest on the 2nd.

Its great to see something thru from start to finish. I look fwd to the the challenges P90X will bring! I all I have to remember is – PUSH PLAY and BRING IT!

September 29, 2009

P-90X or Master Series P90

Filed under: Fitness Information,Master Series P90,P90X,Uncategorized — Just Push Play Fitness @ 5:48 pm
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I am at that time to decide on what program I will move onto next. I have narrowed it down to MS P90 or P90X.

I have read some reviews on MS P90 and over all they are just average. After reading these I am not so sure it is the program I want to buy. They say Tony talks a little to much and the workouts are not as hard as they could be. So now I am looking into P-90X today.

My only reservation about ordering P90X is the added costs for dumbells and the pullup bar. I am not sure if the pull up bar is even going to fit in my door frames I have at home. I just have to read some reviews. I am not afraid of the work P90X would take. Infact I love the workouts. The only one that concerns me is the Yoga being 90 minutes long!

My wife wants to do a yoga program. So I think I will buy her one of the Yoga Booty Ballet programs. I have to google “reviews on P90X”…………………… Later

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