Just Push Play Fitness

November 20, 2012

Beach Body Work Outs Meet Black Friday


Just a reminder for anyone looking to start or purchase a fitness program for a friend/family member. Beach Body will be having a huge sale this week. I am very excited! More info to come shortly on my FB and blog – stay tuned in! You wont want to miss it!

November 3, 2012

There is Always Time to Exercise

Below is a ‘scenario’ that happens to many of us! It happens to me with my busy life style. Find a way my friends!

So, I woke up yesterday morning and the bed felt too comfortable and warm – I didn’t want to get up and exercise. I was also feeling a little sore from my past Insanity workout I did the day before, my whole body was fatigued and my core was sore. So I grabbed an extra 30 minutes sleep until the kids woke up and the morning chaos gong show began.

That was my exercise opportunity gone – I’d planned to do Les Mills Pump and Shred.

But another opportunity did arise – approx 10 minutes between putting the kids to bed, tidying the house up, and my wife waiting to watch a movie. What could I get done in 15-20 minutes?

Well, my favorite exercise – the humble push up/cardio exercise is always good for a quick upper-body & cardio workout.

Down to it: 3 sets of push ups to failure, 2 minutes rest between sets. I managed 60 reps, 32 reps & 15 reps. (total burn out). That’s 107 press-ups in approx 8 minutes, and I felt it.  Then I jumped on the spin bike for 10 minutes of 30 second sprint then 30 slow peddle! Nothing wastes the legs quicker and burns the lungs!  Not a bad workout for the tiny amount of time I had.

No matter what type of shape we are in, the energy we have or the exercises involved, you can do it! Find a way!

So, remember, there is always time to exercise – to say there is not is just an excuse!

October 24, 2009

Dry run on P90X

Filed under: Ab Ripper X,P90X,Pull Ups,push ups — Just Push Play Fitness @ 7:14 pm
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I am doing some dry runs on P90X. I have the Under 16 Challenge Cup to coach in next week. So starting in November I will start P90X have the pics taken and the fitness test down.

Today I am going to do a dry run with Chest and Back. I have the pullup bar installed, taken my protein drink and I am ready to GO! Let the Pain begin – Bring IT Tony Horton!

Okay so I did Chest and Back about 30 minutes ago. Yes its tough, thank God I did P90 before!
Push Ups – Did average of 15 for each exercise – dive bombers max at about 9 – loved the push ups.
Pull Ups – Only could do 1 to 3 on my own then used the chair. I did a total of 10 reps for all pullups. I will increase this number next time thru.
Ab Ripper X – What a mess. I can not do many of the exercises. Climbing my leg I cant even do. I have so much work to do here. It was frustrating. Considering I can get thru the P90 level 3-4 with out breaks. I cant see how a person who is completely out of shape can work thru this work. For the ones that do – my hat is off to you!!!!!

When Tony says take your supplements – I always think “stop selling your products”. I agree!, get a recovery drink, protein powder and vitamins. This is much more then just visiting your local gym or doing a simple yoga class. Eat right and do what you can. Tomorrow Plyo. I cant wait!

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