Just Push Play Fitness

November 20, 2012

Beach Body Work Outs Meet Black Friday


Just a reminder for anyone looking to start or purchase a fitness program for a friend/family member. Beach Body will be having a huge sale this week. I am very excited! More info to come shortly on my FB and blog – stay tuned in! You wont want to miss it!

September 6, 2009


Hi everyone,

Hockey has been awesome. The regular season starts this coming Friday against Drumheller. Should be a good game.

I take vitamins and protein powder from Nutrilite. I have not used the beach body products simply because I like what I am using now. I do plan in the future to use BB products just not right now.

For the past 2 weeks I have taking my vitamins and protein powder(1/2 scoop) right after workouts. Reason why I started doing this was because of some of the articles I have been reading about absorption rates being higher right after workouts. So I thought I would try it. I have to say I do believe there is some truth to it. Here are some of the differences I have felt:

1) No muscle soreness at all. Now when I went from 1-2 to 3-4 levels, I had some muscle fatigue but no soreness. The difference between the two levels is night and day.
2) Energy level is higher after the workouts then before. This might be the biggest difference. My recovery is very quick and I can move on with the rest of my day.
3) Less muscle fatigue is WAY LESS then before. Now I still feel it but at much lower degree after the workout.

I hope this some amount of info will help you decide to try the supplements after your workout. It did well for me, hopefully it will help you as well.

Have a great day

August 12, 2009

Last night Sweat 1-2

Filed under: Cardio 1-2,Fitness Information,Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 1:45 am

Hi everyone. There is no question that my body is changing just short of 30 days. The beach body programs are worth every penny up to this point. My stomach is flattening, my arms and legs are more toned. I feel better and eat way better. My kids are noticing 🙂 Just a very good feeling!

For sculpt last night I used 2 pound hand weights when doing the punches. WOW what a difference on the 2 set. So if you want to spice your round up buy some 2 pound hand weights. The 7-7-7 pushups is still not were I like them. I am stronger but it is very slow improvement. I will need other two weeks to beable to move in the direction I need to be for Sculpt 3-4. Sweat 1-2 is a different story. I am thinking maybe one more week at levels 1-2 and then move on to 3-4. Which by the way is much harder! The real test will be Monday – measurements, weigh in and pictures!

August 6, 2009

Sculpt 1-2 Update

Filed under: P 90,Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 4:17 pm
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Did P90 Sculpt 1-2 last night. Overall give it a 8 out of 10.

Still struggling with the 7-7-7 pushups. I can get to 15 and then have to go on my knees to finish the rest. Also I am not doing the pushups at the same time as Tony, thus I am done quicker. I have to start to slow down. I will have to pick up some heavier weight here soon as the 10lbs is just not enough for the back exercises and bicep exercies. It will do for now.

I do use the resistence bands as a change of pace. Overall very effective and in some cases much harder then the weights. The bands work well for the military press and Swimmer press.

My muscles were bagged by the end. As I pushed hard throughout the 30 minutes. I am less then two weeks away from posting my measurements and pictures for 30 days in. Cant wait to see the improvment.

July 21, 2009

Sculpt 1-2 – First time in week!

Filed under: Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:12 am
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I was not sure how this workout was going to be since I am still so sleep deprived from last weeks hockey. Having said that it was a GREAT workout. I have lost some conditioning due to the week off. Hence my chest, shoulders and arms are really heavy at the moment. At the moment I am very tired! I go hard this week then off for a vacation with the family. We are going to Drumheller to see the dinosaurs. Then off to the Mountains to chase bears. Great agility training! LOL. Then back home on August 4th. Then hockey starts for the season at the end of August. I hope to have the 90 days done with P90 sometime in October! I am nodding of here so I will go now. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

July 10, 2009

Sculpting and Pushups and Bands

Filed under: P 90,Sculpt 1-2,Uncategorized — Just Push Play Fitness @ 1:44 pm
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My wife and I done 11 workouts so far and not missed a day! Very happy to see us extending our commitment.

We did our sculpting 1-2 again last night, second time doing it. The Bands that came with the P90 are MUCH more HARDER then I thought they would be. I would say it was more difficult then the weights. I did use the 10 lbs weights for the all back and tricep exercises. The weights allow for better form. My upper body muscles are fatigued, and are not sore. Which means I can push myself a bit harder during the next workouts!

The pushups ……… Not bad for the first set of 15 in the normal stance. Second set of wide pushups I hit the wall about the 13 rep but the killer is the 7-7-7.  I am done about rep 12 with the narrow pushup! I am on my knees for rest of them! So lots of improvement!

As you can see my diet is going well. I will most my meal plan again. I was hungry last night, really hungry. So I had a cup of pea pods 30 minutes before my workout. Didnt effect my effort! I had a 1 cup of Chocolate milk for my recovery drink after the work out.  Talk later!

July 8, 2009

Sculpting 1-2 Beach Body

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Cardio 1-2,P 90,Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:47 pm
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Well ……………… in knew it would be a challenge but the workout last night just showed how out of shape I really am. IT is always nice to get a good dose of reality! The stacking of exercises and constant movement looks easy but doing it is other story, even with Tony stretch breaks. 

The push ups really killed me in the end. The 7-7-7 was tough and barely completed them (form was terrible). The other issue was doing my reps to fast. They do the reps way slower. So I was finding my self doing 20 reps to their 15. I have a lot of work to do. I am slightly sore but more fatiqued in arms and chest. I also now this is just day 2 of 90 days, so I can only go UP!

My son again did the work out with me. He has sore arms today. I let him use the 2 pound weights. He is trooper, did the compete 30 minutes. Back to cardio 1-2 tonight and Ab Ripper. My abs are still sore from Monday – in fact they are worse not better LOL. Talk to you later!

July 7, 2009

Todays Feeling about last Night P-90 Workout

Filed under: Ab Ripper,P 90,Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:04 pm
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I woke up this morning with sore arms and ab muscles. Not surprised about the abs as I need a great deal of work to get them back into shape! The Ab Ripper did its job.
Diet wise I will need more Carbs. I felt good throughout the work out but this morning I was really dragging. I will have to look at a recovery drink. After some research I think I will stick with low fat chocolate milk. Cheap alternative but yet very effective. I must drink within 30 minutes of when I stop my exercise! I will give that a shot and see what the response will be. I cheated abit today having 6 purdy chocolates our neighbors brought over. We helped them with their garden – weeding it etc. Nice gesture and they are great people!!! I will do the P90 Sculpt 1-2 tonight – I will give you an update later on.

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