Just Push Play Fitness

October 7, 2009

Don’t Wait To Get Flat Abs-The Health Benefits May Surprise You

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Fitness Information — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:59 pm
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A sizeable percentage of individuals today have an excessive quantity of ab fat? For the majority of people, this hindrance is thought of merely as a superficial problem, and therefore is typically overlooked. People may be a bit self-conscious about revealing their body to others but that is where the topic stops. People think that having flat abs is only about looks.
Regrettably, most folks don’t realize that large amounts of body fat over the abdomen is not only unattractive, it is also a powerful risk factor to your wellbeing. Scientific studies have plainly shown that although it is unhealthy in general to have additional body fat all through your body; it is also especially unsafe to have extra abdominal fat.
There are two types of fat that you have in your abdominal area. Subcutaneous fat is what is on the outer part of your abdominal, keeping your abs from being flat and defined.
The second type of fat that you have in your abdominal area is called visceral fat, and that lies deeper in the abdomen beneath your muscle and surrounding your organs. Visceral fat also contributes to the “beer belly” men get where their belly sticks out a lot while still feeling a bit hard.
Both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in the abdominal area are important health risk cocerns, but science has shown that having undue visceral fat is even more risky than subcutaneous fat. Both of them greatly raise the risk your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep apnea, various forms of cancer, and other degenerative diseases.
Part of the reason visceral fat is particularly hazardous is that it seemingly releases more inflammatory molecules into your body on a regular basis.
If you care about the quality of your life and your loved ones, reducing your abdominal fat should be one of your TOP priorities! There’s just no way around it. What’s more, a great side-effect of ultimately reducing your abdominal fat is flatter, sexier abs. You may even get the six pack abs you have always wanted.
So what gets rid of extra abdominal fat? Is there actually a REAL solution beyond all of the gimmicks and hype that you see in ads and on commercials for “miracle” fat loss products?
The first thing you must be familiar with is that there is unquestionably NO quick fix resolution. There are no pills or supplements of any kind that will aid you to lose your abdominal fat sooner. in addition, none of the ridiculous “flat abs” machines will help you reduce abdominal fat because only targeting the abdominal muscles does not get rid of the fat, it only tones the muscles and leaves the fat covering the abs. It simply doesn’t work that way.
The ONLY key to a consistent basis lose your abdominal fat and make it stays gone forever is to combine a thorough nutritious eating plan full of unprocessed natural foods with a well planned exercise agenda that stimulates the necessary hormonal and metabolic response within your body. Both your food intake as well as your training program are important if you are to get this right.
I’ve actually even seen a particular study that separated thousands of people into a diet-only group and an exercise/diet group. While both groups in this study made worthy progress, the diet-only group lost significantly LESS abdominal fat than the diet & exercise combined group.
You must understand that not all types of exercise will give you results. working out effectively enough to really stimulate the loss of stubborn abdominal fat. I see this everyday at the gym.
Generally, people will do your typical boring and ineffective cardio workouts, throw in a little outdated body-part style weight training, and pencil in a bit of some crunches and side bends, and suppose that they are doing something helpful for dropping their abdominal fat. Then, after weeks and months with no worth-while change, they get upset and .
Well, the good news is that their is a tested and proven way to stimulate abdominal fat loss and get flat abs fast.
The entire fat loss strategy… all of the nutritional components, the simple exercise plan, and more have all been brought together in a sensible and easy to understand program.
Keep in mind, that the purpose of this whole program is NOT abdominal exercises (that is only a very small portion of it). The main point of this instruction is revealing to you the absolute most effective strategies for losing your stubborn abdominal fat, so you can get rid of that serious health risk, and get flat abs and a slimmer wasteline.
If you abide by the simple strategies, you WILL get a flatter stomach and lose your belly fat that has been hanging on you for years. This is not difficult… it is a proven system that works without fail for everyone on every corner of the globe who genuinely apply the information contained within. If you apply it, the results will come. It’s really that simple.
The only reason most people fail in their fitness goals is that they have good intentions in the beginning to adopt a new lifestyle, yet in a few weeks or months, they throw in the towel and slide back into their old bad habits that made them fat to begin with.
I truly want to help you with getting rid of that excess ab fat that is not only uncofortable and unsightly, but also threatens your fitness.
Don’t waste another day allowing that nasty abdominal fat to block your confidence as well as contribute to your risk for MAJOR diseases.
Get the answer to rid yourself for life of this problem.

For help with getting Flat abs and a healthier you
Click here For more articles about flat abs

Article Source: http://physicalfitnessarticles.net

July 25, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — Just Push Play Fitness @ 1:45 pm
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I will be doing both Sculpt 1-2 and Sweat 1-2 with ab ripper today. My wife and I had a movie date last night and was to late to do a workout when we came back home. So I will double dip today. We off on our vacation tomorrow. So I will be posting again sometime in early August!! See ya!

July 22, 2009

3 Traits you must commit to for Success!

Filed under: Fitness Information — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:09 pm
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What a morning, the kids were up at 5.30. Makes for a long day. The glass is always half full – makes the morning less rushed and I have some time to spend with the kids.

Work out last night was fantastic. My calves were killing me from the X box, quick feet to cross jumps. By the 2nd curcuit they were cramping. Still finished it though. Ab Ripper was touch as usual but I am keeping up to their pace much better. I have tough time believing I will be able to the Ab Ripper 200. I struggle so much with abs!

I have slimmed down, a couple pairs of pants that were tight about 3 weeks ago, fit almost perfect. You if are deciding to get in better shape, there are three character traits you must do – 1) Commit to deciding and sticking to a routine 2) Dicipline dont give in to your negitive thought or bad habits – use your beach body coach for help or the message boards 3) Choices – you make the final choice on everything you do. Use commone sense and your choices will be the right ones! If you need help leave a comment or how I can contact you!!

July 12, 2009

Cardio 1-2 July 12 09

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Cardio 1-2,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 7:06 pm
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I just finished my Beach Body P 90 cardio 1-2. It was a great time. I felt strong from start to finish. I can still push it up a notch but that will come in time. My balance has improved although still “tipping” at times. My strength on the power yoga – crescent and warrior stance is becoming stronger. Overall, very happy with my overall results.

I am a little disappointed with leaving for next week to the Under 16 Hockey Alberta Camp. Not that I don’t want to be there but because the my P-90 is going in the direction I want it to. I just don’t want to lose momentum. I plan on doing some of the fat burning express and P 90 cardio during the morning or night. Just depends on my other commitments. I was selected to be an assistant coach for the Under 16 Challenge Cup. The best 15 year old hockey players from Alberta, BC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan are playing a short term tourny during the end of October. I am very excited about this opportunity.

Ad Ripper was tough again. The exercise where you have your legs straight in the air, your thumbs locked and you try to touch your toes, KILLS me every time!!! From there I cant keep up to Tony and the Kids pace. I power through it and I know 3 weeks from now I will have it down pat!

Have to run my son’s birthday party in 1 hour. Have to get the water balloons ready – its going to be a wet wet wet time!

July 11, 2009

Cardio work out last night

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Cardio 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 1:20 pm
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Overall it was great intensity, Other then our youngest son interupting us – had a bad dream. Last cylce with punching and kicking is surprisingly difficult. I picked up the intensity with the speed and stonger punches and kicks. You can feel a noticable difference. The power yoga moves are difficult; my balance as improved but my flexability is brutal. Although its better it is along ways of from being comfortable.

The ab ripper was far better then the first time. I had to hesitate for a couple second, first on the “touch your feet”, second was the very last exercise. I try to work on form when do these exercises, so I run a little behind Tony and the kids.

I have not felt very tired going into the workouts. Even though I dont sleep more then 7 hours on any given night, the diet seems to be working eating 5 smaller meals per day. The biggest reason I think is because I have cut out some of the process foods and I have not eat any pasta for almost a week. Although I am sure a little pasta is a good thing. Have to run, my oldest son wants to play a game – “Battleships”. Take care

July 7, 2009

Todays Feeling about last Night P-90 Workout

Filed under: Ab Ripper,P 90,Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:04 pm
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I woke up this morning with sore arms and ab muscles. Not surprised about the abs as I need a great deal of work to get them back into shape! The Ab Ripper did its job.
Diet wise I will need more Carbs. I felt good throughout the work out but this morning I was really dragging. I will have to look at a recovery drink. After some research I think I will stick with low fat chocolate milk. Cheap alternative but yet very effective. I must drink within 30 minutes of when I stop my exercise! I will give that a shot and see what the response will be. I cheated abit today having 6 purdy chocolates our neighbors brought over. We helped them with their garden – weeding it etc. Nice gesture and they are great people!!! I will do the P90 Sculpt 1-2 tonight – I will give you an update later on.

First Rip at P90 Cardio

Filed under: Cardio 1-2,P 90 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:32 am
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First go through on Cardio 1-2 for P90. Overall impressions was top notch. My level of intensity was good not great. Not knowing the exercises as   Tony Horton moved along caused some delays. But the weeks ahead will be better thus my intensity will increase. There was much more arm movement involved tonight then the past week with the fat burner. Amazing the work out your arms receive when keeping in air for period of time. The Ab Ripper was the hardest. I could not complete it and had to have a break but did finish it. I know my weakness and my mid section is it. Have lots of work to do there!

My 9 year old son (Shea) worked out with me from start to end. He did a terrific job. I think I will by one of beach bodies kids workouts if he continues to have an interest. Funny watching a young boy trying to do movements old people have  a tough time doing! He laughed at Tony alot. LOL

Have a great night I will have my todays meal plan tomorrow! Good night!

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