Just Push Play Fitness

September 2, 2009

The 3-4 level

Filed under: Ab Ripper,P 90,sculpt 3-4,sweat 3-4 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:25 am
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I have done sculpt and Sweat 3-4 with ab ripper 200, twice each.

Lets just say it is no normal jump. Levels 3-4 are WAY harder.

Couple differences:

1) I moved up from 10lbs to 15-20 lbs and still doing anywhere from 12 to 15 reps.
2) I 80% of the squats and lunges with dumbells
3) There 40% more pushups with different variety
4) Less rest time between sets
5) Sweat has more pace and intensity
6) I use 2lbs hand weight when doing leg kicks and arm punches
7) Ab ripper 100 does very little to prepare you for the 200. I just keep up with Tony and the kids. Just keeping up means very poor form by the end of the round. I am now not trying to keep up but concentrate more on form.

My body feels very drained after each work out and I can feel a difference the next day with my recovery as my muscles feel slightly heavy in the morning.

The best news is my body is changing and I am leaning out with greater definition.

July 22, 2009

3 Traits you must commit to for Success!

Filed under: Fitness Information — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:09 pm
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What a morning, the kids were up at 5.30. Makes for a long day. The glass is always half full – makes the morning less rushed and I have some time to spend with the kids.

Work out last night was fantastic. My calves were killing me from the X box, quick feet to cross jumps. By the 2nd curcuit they were cramping. Still finished it though. Ab Ripper was touch as usual but I am keeping up to their pace much better. I have tough time believing I will be able to the Ab Ripper 200. I struggle so much with abs!

I have slimmed down, a couple pairs of pants that were tight about 3 weeks ago, fit almost perfect. You if are deciding to get in better shape, there are three character traits you must do – 1) Commit to deciding and sticking to a routine 2) Dicipline dont give in to your negitive thought or bad habits – use your beach body coach for help or the message boards 3) Choices – you make the final choice on everything you do. Use commone sense and your choices will be the right ones! If you need help leave a comment or how I can contact you!!

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