Just Push Play Fitness

July 11, 2009

Cardio work out last night

Filed under: Ab Ripper,Cardio 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 1:20 pm
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Overall it was great intensity, Other then our youngest son interupting us – had a bad dream. Last cylce with punching and kicking is surprisingly difficult. I picked up the intensity with the speed and stonger punches and kicks. You can feel a noticable difference. The power yoga moves are difficult; my balance as improved but my flexability is brutal. Although its better it is along ways of from being comfortable.

The ab ripper was far better then the first time. I had to hesitate for a couple second, first on the “touch your feet”, second was the very last exercise. I try to work on form when do these exercises, so I run a little behind Tony and the kids.

I have not felt very tired going into the workouts. Even though I dont sleep more then 7 hours on any given night, the diet seems to be working eating 5 smaller meals per day. The biggest reason I think is because I have cut out some of the process foods and I have not eat any pasta for almost a week. Although I am sure a little pasta is a good thing. Have to run, my oldest son wants to play a game – “Battleships”. Take care

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