Just Push Play Fitness

November 25, 2012

Christmas, Back and Son’s First Goal

Filed under: Uncategorized — Just Push Play Fitness @ 11:48 am
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Good Morning everyone! Great day here! Up early to take my son to his hockey game. He worked hard and was rewarded with his first goal of the year. He comes flying over to the bench to give me high five. It was priceless. HAHA Wish I had a picture!
How is everyone Long week south of the border? From all the messages on my FB page it looks like everyone is enjoying family, friends, some food (wink, wink) and putting up Christmas decorations! That awesome! We put up our tree and decorations on December 1st and I cant wait! I love Christmas spirit and the kids get excited.We are taking them to the Rocky Mountains in small town called Canmore to do some skiing. They won’t know till the 23rd when we leave early that morning! Great for all of us to spend quality time together, get me away from hockey and for me and Shellie to have time to ourselves as well! What plans do you have for Christmas? Please comment below!
My Back is still acting up but I am going to Yoga tomorrow and likely all week just to work it out a bit and see the response. Its been a bit frustrating be honest. I have not had many injuries in my life, so I am struggling with this. My diet has been very clean though and if my back doesn’t improve I am thinking of doing the ultimate reset nutrition program and reset my body.

Just quick update! Have a great Sunday!


November 17, 2012

Les Mills Pump and Shred November 17, 2012

Just completed Les Mills Pump and Shred! Great 45 minute workout! Upped the weights on the squat track, shaky at the end. Chest track gave me some troubles as I was gassed with the bar but pulled out 18 push ups at the end. The most since I started Les Mills Pump. The best news was my lunge track, I was much stronger through the 5 minutes! Which makes me extremely happy as usually struggle both physically and mentally! Off to have me Results and Recovery drink then off to the rink! Make it a great night!
PS – My new blog is coming shortly. It will be much different, and it will com with pictures of where I was and were I am now! Big difference! You all can commit to a healthy life style! Find your ‘Why’!! Team Beach Body has great programs like Les Mills Pump, nutrition with shakeology and the support (thru me) to help you!

October 26, 2012

Insanity – Pure Cardio

Filed under: Insanity,Pure Cardio,Supplements — Just Push Play Fitness @ 12:52 pm
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Good Day everyone! The workout from yesterday had an affect on my body as my muscles (not sore) but for sure fatigued! My body and mind were not 100% this morning. It was also my fourth day straight this week with a 7 AM ice session. Fridays are always the toughest days for me.

Having said all this I still do my workouts on Friday. I usually will not miss a Friday workout. Why? These are the days you need to do your workouts and show commitment to your goals. I believe you need to face the adversity, show some mental toughness and over come the excuses we make not to do something. So down I went and did Insanity Pure Cardio, one of the toughest workouts Shaun T puts you through.

The start was very rough, very slow but the form was executed well. By the third round into warmup I started feeling more energized. The Energy and Endurance formula I took 5 minutes prior helped. By the end of the stretch I was feeling much more alert and the body was awake! Thru the next 15 minutes I push hard with no hint of any tiredness. The ‘frog leaps’ track is the one that you feel the effects of doing an exercise for one minute! It was better today then in the past. I usually stop 2 times for small 5 second break but today I only stopped once!

Overall this workout was excellent, and in most cases these are the days you will have the best workouts. The days were you commit to being better! Remember if you are starting your fitness from scratch, you dont have to start your fitness journey doing Insanity workouts. I have been working out since 2009, in 3 years you will advance you fitness to this level as well. Start with Slim in 6 or P90, great workouts to increase your foundation to being able to handle Insanity or P90X!

I hope your exercise went as well as mine did today!

October 25, 2012

I’m Back

Filed under: Uncategorized — Just Push Play Fitness @ 5:07 am
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Wow I forgot I even had this Blog! Fantastic I found it – it was meant to be.

Well after a LOOOOONG time away, I’m back!

I will be posting on a regular basis! Please read through my experience back in 2009.
The start of my fitness Journey – Fantastic!



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