Just Push Play Fitness

October 29, 2012

Narrow those Supplement Choices


One of the most frequent questions I am asked by  athletes I train, parents and my general customers,  what supplements should I take? It is not an easy answer, as each individual requires different amounts and types of supplements. The supplement business is a billion dollar business. What that means to you is there are abundant of choices to pick from.

If you have a trainer or coach, they need to help guide you. They should ask a series of questions to help determine what you need. If they don’t ask you any questions, and they request you take this supplement or that supplement, they may not have your best interest at heart! Other scenario which is what happened to me years ago, was going into a supplement store. You walk in and your instantly over whelmed with the amount of different products lined on the shelves. What do I chose? What make one product better then other? Egg protein or Whey protein? So the attendant in my case asked me one question, what are you looking for? I said protein powder! Then he proceeded to take me to a very large tub of egg protein, with in minutes, I left the store with egg protein. To this day I have no idea if it helped my fitness. I am sure this has happened to  you at some point in your fitness journey!

So your asking yourself, what are the questions I should be asking? Great question! Here are a list of questions I ask my clients:

  1. What or are you taking any supplements now? If yes, do you feel they are effective? Why are you taking them?
  2. Do you skip meals? Do you eat out 3-4 times per week? What types of food do you eat?
  3. How busy is your schedule? Kids?
  4. Do you play sports? Practices? Games?
  5. How many times a week do you work out? The level of intensity? What type of workouts?
  6. Are you proactive in organizing your supplement routine?
  7. Are you allergic to milk or soy products? Do you prefer Gluten free product?

The list above is just a sample, as you may have many different type of questions depending on the client. Its important you drill down to what they really need. You must  take the time to ask these questions and listen carefully to what they say. Pay close attention to the type of foods they eat and physical activity (if any) that they partake in.

Supplements should only be used to help support their nutrition, it is never a replacement. So please make sure your client is versed on proper eating habits, were the majority of their nutrients are coming from wholesome food! Nothing will replace naturally healthy foods!

Quick Tip – Everyone’s taste are different when using a shake supplement. Some tips I recommend is to mix the shake for 1 to 2 minutes. Also, add food such as mango, bananas or blueberries to increase flavor and add nutrients.

Blair Becker is owner of a very successful fitness and hockey training company.  He has been using Beach Body products for the past three years to help him lose 15 pounds and be the best shape of his life. He is here to guide and support anyone who has the desire to have a healthier life style!

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