Just Push Play Fitness

November 19, 2012

Yes! Your body does talk!




I am in some serious trouble! I have been active since the day I jumped out of the womb. For the first time in my life I have a lower back injury and it has hit me hard! It started three days ago with lower stiff back. The next day it was a little worse. I stretched, did yoga and felt much better. Yesterday it was tight again, but not so tight to limit any mobility. So down I went to my workout room and started Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning. Although tight in the lower back, I felt much better after the warm up and stretch. It went well through out the workout, pushed hard with no back issues. No pain, stiffness had gone away, I was feeling strong. Then in the last interval, we were doing 8 jump ropes and 8 mini squat jumps. Then it happened, lower back cramped up and instant pain. Now this morning, I have very limited mobility, I can not bend down and my right lower back is a great deal of pain! So now I am going to give myself seven days off to recover. I hope its enough…….

The issue was, my ego got in the way of recovery. I had ‘signs’ three days prior to hurting my back. The signs were there and I ignored them. So I created this issue and now I am out of commission. I know you have heard or read about the signs of over training. I want to give you a list of what I have learned from this experience.

  1. Schedule: The day I hurt my back, I had worked out 7 days in a row. With my busy hockey schedule, I finish my workouts  when I can. If I have time to do a workouts, I do it no matter what, because their are times when I go 3-4 days with no time to workout. My mentality needs to change, I will go 4 days at most and a day off, no matter my schedule. My suggestion is we make time for days off, remove your ego and give your body a well deserved day off!
  2. Stretching: I stretch more now then ever before. For us males flexibility for the most part is not something we talk about or do frequently enough. I need to stretch more and you likely do too. Make the time to stretch your body, holding each stretch for a duration of 5 to 8 second count. Remember to breath on each hold to help you length each stretch! If I had taken more time to stretch maybe this back issue would not have happened. The what ‘If’ scenario!
  3. Warning Signs: Everyone has different signs and you have to know your mind and body to read them. Physically mine is usually soreness/stiffness. Which my back was feeling three days ago. I did not listen to my body. Mentally if my mind is running a half step behind and not being able to focus  on the workout, I will shut myself down. My issue, like most males is I ignore the physical signs and keep pushing. I think my female viewers are much smarter when it comes to warning signs as they listen to their bodies and make smarter choices for the most part.
  4. Ego: You would think being 41 years of age, I would be smarter, but obviously time does not help with some stupidity. Ego is one of the biggest reasons for injuries, including overuse injuries like the one I am dealing with. If we would stop and listen when out body speaks, we would be much further ahead!

I hope this has made you consider when you take days off and how you treat your body. I have to make changes or this will likely happen again! When your body speaks, please listen!

October 31, 2012

Customer ‘First’ Mentality

Happy Halloween! May you all receive healthy treats tonight! Stay out of your kid’s loot bags :p

I am a hockey coach/trainer at heart. I have been training young hockey players on and off for the past 10 years. Recently, I have left my regular job and started my own hockey training company, Core Hockey Training! The company has been in existence for just over one year! The growth and scope of what I offer to the families that train with me, has grown rapidly. The number 1 reason for this rapid growth has been my mentality and will continue to be, “Players First”! The only aspect I judge myself on; “am I doing everything I can to improve this player?” If this happens, which in most cases it does, everything else will look after it self.

Now my question to you, is this the mentality you have with your fitness customers? I know with many trainers (not all) their concern is about how much money can I make, bringing in more clients, adding more programs to sell etc etc. This is a dangerous slope! I have seen it, as clients of mine have come from other trainers who have shown very little integrity or respect for the money being spent!

It is a proven fact, what you put into your clients is what you get out! The ‘customer’ first mentality has to be in the fore front! If you do this, your success will explode in a short period of time. Your integrity, respect and TRUST within your field will grow and with that, more customers! I am seeing this already with my Beach Body Coaching!


Here are a few points I would recommend:

  1. Always be honest! Always! If something goes side ways, take the high road and face the accountability. Don’t hide or lie your way through, the truth always comes out!
  2. Speak with confidence. Easier said then done at times. If you know in your heart that something needs to be said, then speak. Communication is key to helping your customer, even if its something they wish not to hear!
  3. Listen – Communication is a two way street. Be an active listener. Learn to be patient, listen to the tone and words used when your customer speaks! Watch their body language, it can sent of clues before the customer even speaks.
  4. Get to know your customer! What do they do, what hobbies do they have, do they have a family etc.  Its important that you discuss other aspects of life rather then the exercise your weight they will be using. Build that personal connection!
  5. Have FUN! Enjoy the time you spend with your customer. Have a few laughs. Get fit and build a friendship!

I hope these points help you with your business, sport or in life! I know this mentality has helped me be a better person and trainer. This customer ‘first’ mentality also increases my best form of advertising  – “word of mouth”!

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