Just Push Play Fitness

November 22, 2012

Shhhhhhh, Just Sweep It Under The Rug

I don’t have time. My spouse doesn’t support me. I will start after my holidays. We all have them, we have all said them. What am I talking about? Excuses! I find in society today, ‘excuse-ittis’ is a common occurrence. There is no responsibility to eat properly or too take time to exercise. As everyday goes by, our ability to do daily chores decreases, we have more aches and pains, we breath a little heavier coming up the stairs and we lack energy throughout the day. We ignore these dangerous warning signs. Lets look the other way and sweep it under the rug and forget about it!

Why do we have this ability to ignore these red flags? Oh, I want to enjoy the simpler things in life! Once again the excuses come rolling off our tongues.  There are reasons for the way we think and it is creating a huge epidemic with our culture.

1) Laziness: We in North America are lazy. We all want things instantly and in many cases we wont work/strive for what we want. The things we want are far to easy to get, smart phones, vehicles, credit and on and on. Everything is readily available, we don’t need to plan our meals, we just drive down to the local drive through.  We all know we need to be healthy but the facts are, to find 30 minutes a day is just to  much work for us organize it.

2) Addiction: Take a look around and watch how much time we all spend on our computers, smart phones, I-pads, I-pods and tablets. We are a ‘plugged in’ society. Just think of how much wasted time you spend playing useless games like Angry Birds. Those minutes add up into hours and we don’t even know it! Take 30 minutes of that time and invest into yourself and go for a walk.

3) Our Company: In some cases the people that are most prominent in our lives can and will hold us back from doing what we know we should do. I had a middle age lady want to join one of my challenge groups and was ready to move forward in her health but her husband talked her out of it. It most cases we might blame the husband and i agree he was a complete ass in our meeting. I look at this other way, we need to be leaders of OURSELVES! We need to step up and make a difference and stop allowing other people to control what they want us to feel and think.  Show some internal leadership, stand up and make a difference in your life and take charge!

4) Ignorance: This is my favorite! People just sweep their health and nutrition right under the rug. There are people and you likely know a few, who wait to the last moments to go see a doctor about a health issue. We are ignorant to think all the poor eating and lack of exercise will not catch up with us! We only have one body, not everything can be fixed by a plastic surgeon. We need to be ‘Real’ with what is happening to us and face the facts that we are responsible for  living a healthy life and it doesn’t matter what the Jones are doing down the street! We need to take back out lives and life them with passion and integrity!

The biggest aspect is we have to find out WHY. Why do I need to make changes to my laziness, over come my addictions, show some personnel leadership and don’t be blind to what is happening to and around me! When you find your ‘why’ and hopefully its not to late, you can remove all the skeletons you have swept under the rug! Take action now!


October 29, 2012

Narrow those Supplement Choices


One of the most frequent questions I am asked by  athletes I train, parents and my general customers,  what supplements should I take? It is not an easy answer, as each individual requires different amounts and types of supplements. The supplement business is a billion dollar business. What that means to you is there are abundant of choices to pick from.

If you have a trainer or coach, they need to help guide you. They should ask a series of questions to help determine what you need. If they don’t ask you any questions, and they request you take this supplement or that supplement, they may not have your best interest at heart! Other scenario which is what happened to me years ago, was going into a supplement store. You walk in and your instantly over whelmed with the amount of different products lined on the shelves. What do I chose? What make one product better then other? Egg protein or Whey protein? So the attendant in my case asked me one question, what are you looking for? I said protein powder! Then he proceeded to take me to a very large tub of egg protein, with in minutes, I left the store with egg protein. To this day I have no idea if it helped my fitness. I am sure this has happened to  you at some point in your fitness journey!

So your asking yourself, what are the questions I should be asking? Great question! Here are a list of questions I ask my clients:

  1. What or are you taking any supplements now? If yes, do you feel they are effective? Why are you taking them?
  2. Do you skip meals? Do you eat out 3-4 times per week? What types of food do you eat?
  3. How busy is your schedule? Kids?
  4. Do you play sports? Practices? Games?
  5. How many times a week do you work out? The level of intensity? What type of workouts?
  6. Are you proactive in organizing your supplement routine?
  7. Are you allergic to milk or soy products? Do you prefer Gluten free product?

The list above is just a sample, as you may have many different type of questions depending on the client. Its important you drill down to what they really need. You must  take the time to ask these questions and listen carefully to what they say. Pay close attention to the type of foods they eat and physical activity (if any) that they partake in.

Supplements should only be used to help support their nutrition, it is never a replacement. So please make sure your client is versed on proper eating habits, were the majority of their nutrients are coming from wholesome food! Nothing will replace naturally healthy foods!

Quick Tip – Everyone’s taste are different when using a shake supplement. Some tips I recommend is to mix the shake for 1 to 2 minutes. Also, add food such as mango, bananas or blueberries to increase flavor and add nutrients.

Blair Becker is owner of a very successful fitness and hockey training company.  He has been using Beach Body products for the past three years to help him lose 15 pounds and be the best shape of his life. He is here to guide and support anyone who has the desire to have a healthier life style!

October 25, 2012

Best Meal of The Day

Filed under: Diet Plan,Shakeology,Supplements — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:36 pm
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Best Meal of The Day

One of the reasons I have lost 15 lbs and kept my ideal weight consistent over the past two years! Shakeology adds to your daily nutrition and I highly recommend it! This shake can be for any who is an athlete, looking to lose weight, busy and skips meals or has other health issues like high blood pressure. It is the best nutritional shake in the market bar none! Give it a try!

Check out the high quality ingredients!

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