Just Push Play Fitness

November 17, 2012

Les Mills Pump and Shred November 17, 2012

Just completed Les Mills Pump and Shred! Great 45 minute workout! Upped the weights on the squat track, shaky at the end. Chest track gave me some troubles as I was gassed with the bar but pulled out 18 push ups at the end. The most since I started Les Mills Pump. The best news was my lunge track, I was much stronger through the 5 minutes! Which makes me extremely happy as usually struggle both physically and mentally! Off to have me Results and Recovery drink then off to the rink! Make it a great night!
PS – My new blog is coming shortly. It will be much different, and it will com with pictures of where I was and were I am now! Big difference! You all can commit to a healthy life style! Find your ‘Why’!! Team Beach Body has great programs like Les Mills Pump, nutrition with shakeology and the support (thru me) to help you!

November 10, 2012

Les Mills Pump and Shredded me!

Good evening, Shellie and I completed Les Mill Pump and Shred just before supper! I have yesterday off because my body was completely messed up. My muscles and mind were struggling to complete any task. I ate very well and had a great 7 hour sleep. I have been drinking much more water in the last week and I feel a big difference overall. My energy has been more consistent through out the day, not the huge drop around 3 pm. My body feels more alert and strong then in the past. I also commend taking shakeology. Just adds so many nutrients into my system that typically would never have with my normally healthy diet. So,  I feel much better today!

The work was fantastic tonight. I was strong and focused throughout the workout. I pushed hare through each track. I had to stop for a couple seconds for rest in the chest, back, lunge and shoulder tracks. I have no issue with this as went to failure in each track with now lowering my weight. I added weight to the back and shoulder tracks. The ab track was solid, took my time and felt the burn! Overall, very happy with this workout, the day off helped!

We both took the energy and endurance formula before we did Les Mills Pump and Shred! Shellie also had supper already made prior to the workout. I was Quinoa with mixed veggies. It was fantastic! She mixed the Quinoa in with peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, garlic powder and chicken broth. She mixed it all together and we topped it off with either hot sauce or salsa! Yummy! Great meal to have right after a workout. I will finish of the night with Tropical shakeology!

I made good choices today and I feel strong and I feel healthy! Have a great night!

November 5, 2012

Fitness Update – Insanity – Max Pylo Intervals

Good evening everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates on my exercise.

Last Thursday and Friday, my wife (Shellie) and I went swimming. Okay swims from 30 minutes to 40 minutes. Could have been better on Thursday, felt tired and muscles were sore. Still not a bad workout.

On Saturday we did Les Mills Pump and Shred. This workout went much better the previous one! So I was very happy, had way more energy and was solid through out. I need to up the weight on the squat track to 55 lbs. I could do more weight but when I add more the 55 pounds my legs are messed up on the ice with skates on. It is not a good combination, if you can imagine! The lunge track still is giving me issues! Drives me nuts as its not the weight, it my balance! I try different stances and distance and I just have trouble holding good form. Its improved but I am a ways off! Need to keep focused and slow down. I will get there.

Now to the work out today – both Shellie and I did it together. It was Insanity, Max Pylo Intervals! All I can say, “It tore me apart”. I am in better then average shape but there is no way I could finish that workout. It has been the hardest single workout I have done with any Beach Body product! The variety Shaun T gives you and the speed your doing it at is intense! Even after 9 hours since I finished it, my muscles can still feel the workout! Even after having the P90X Recovery formula! I recommend Insanity to anyone who likes a challenge and is at an average fitness level at a minimum.

My nutrition has been about 90% overall. Still sneaking in the odd Halloween chocolate. Hey we all have weakness! I am out of shakeology and waiting for the next bag to come. I miss the drink as, I feel much better after taking it. I have improved my hydration as I have upped my water intake by a couple more glasses per day. I am at 8 per day, but after these 1 hour Insanity workouts are feel I need to push that to 10.

Tomorrow is Les Mills Pump and Shred! Have a great night!

November 1, 2012

Insanity Program – Max Cardio Intervals and Swim

Last night was fantastic, the four kids received a ton of candy! To much to be honest! End of the day the kids had fun with their friends. It was a cold night with now and a bad wind chill. The kids braved it out for a good 2 hours.

Once we put them to bed I had a late night workout. I am starting the 2 month of my hybrid Les Mills Pump and Insanity workout. Tonight was Insanity program, Max Cardio Intervals! It kicked my ass and then some! Even though I was tired and cold from walking around, I pushed through. The last 10 minutes was a struggle, I intend to be at a point physically where I will keep up by the end of this month. The energy and endurance formula helped as it does give you more energy through out the workout. I would recommend this supplement for the insanity program. My diet was not the best for supper, as I eat 1 and 1/2 hot dogs. The whole work out, I was burping. That did not help! I did take my P90X Recovery drink afterwards! Tasty stuff!

Today I went swimming with Shellie for the first time in a week. It was a great swim, I have noticed that my endurance has increased! As I am not resting at all for the first 20 to 30 minutes into the swim. That was not possible even 2 weeks ago. This hybrid has helped my cardiovascular endurance! We swam for 40 minutes and felt strong the complete time in the pool!

Back to Les Mills Pump tomorrow! New pictures to come soon!

October 30, 2012

Les Mills Pump Workout – Pump and Shred

This work out happened yesterday, I have been to busy to post! So, I am a day late!

To be honest with you, this was one of the worst workouts I have had in quite some time. I started well, felt strong and was eager to do the work out. It was about 2 minutes into the squat track for me to  know, how off my mind and my muscles were.  I had very little power! I finished it, but as the chest, back and lunge track continued, the weaker I felt and the more rest time I took. Now the rest time were not long, 5 to 10 seconds. Still not up to par! Looking back and my WOWY GYM in Beach Body, I noticed I had worked out 8 days in a row. So I took today off!

My nutrition has been good. Shakeology each day, very close to or just over my 2.300 in calories per day. Eating less meat more nuts, veggies and fruit. My hydration could be better as I am averaging 6 glasses of water, not 9. I have to make more of a point to care water with me. This might have been my issue in this last workout.

I expect a better workout tomorrow! Maybe a swim with my lovely wife! A little variety in your workouts goes a long way. More on this at a later time! Have a great night!



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