Just Push Play Fitness

November 1, 2012

Insanity Program – Max Cardio Intervals and Swim

Last night was fantastic, the four kids received a ton of candy! To much to be honest! End of the day the kids had fun with their friends. It was a cold night with now and a bad wind chill. The kids braved it out for a good 2 hours.

Once we put them to bed I had a late night workout. I am starting the 2 month of my hybrid Les Mills Pump and Insanity workout. Tonight was Insanity program, Max Cardio Intervals! It kicked my ass and then some! Even though I was tired and cold from walking around, I pushed through. The last 10 minutes was a struggle, I intend to be at a point physically where I will keep up by the end of this month. The energy and endurance formula helped as it does give you more energy through out the workout. I would recommend this supplement for the insanity program. My diet was not the best for supper, as I eat 1 and 1/2 hot dogs. The whole work out, I was burping. That did not help! I did take my P90X Recovery drink afterwards! Tasty stuff!

Today I went swimming with Shellie for the first time in a week. It was a great swim, I have noticed that my endurance has increased! As I am not resting at all for the first 20 to 30 minutes into the swim. That was not possible even 2 weeks ago. This hybrid has helped my cardiovascular endurance! We swam for 40 minutes and felt strong the complete time in the pool!

Back to Les Mills Pump tomorrow! New pictures to come soon!

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