Just Push Play Fitness

September 22, 2009

Ab Ripper

Filed under: Ab Ripper,P 90,sculpt 3-4,sweat 3-4 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:12 pm
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Hi Everyone,
No pictures yet as I have not had time to grab my wife to take them. I hopefully will have them up by this weekend.

I am now moving to level 3 to level 4 with sculpt and sweat. Simple pushing my self harder. For ad ripper 200 I have moved from 20 to 25 reps per exercise. Made a huge difference regarding the intensity.

I feel 100% stronger in the last 2 weeks. My cloths feel looser. The only issue is, I want to eat more then my 2000 calories. I will stick with my calorie count for the next month, then decide what to do from there.

I am considering doing P90X next over the P90 Master Series. Not sure what to do. If anyone has suggests, please add your comments.

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