Just Push Play Fitness

October 16, 2009

P90 time is coming to an end

Filed under: Fitness Information,P 90,P90X — Just Push Play Fitness @ 6:59 pm
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5 more days left and P-90 is history!

Sad in a way but very excited about P90X. I have been watching the CD’s and it is going to be extremely more difficult. P-90 did its job though I will post my results unlike not posting stats for day 60. I still have the pictures for day 60 and I will make sure Day 30,60 and 90 go up.

The only issue and I have mentioned this before is the repetition on P90. By the end its just boring. Having said that it is easy and very effective for an out of shape person to get a head start on their fitness. I would promote this program to everyone who has not done any regular activity in a while.

My results have been fantastic! I did want to have more defined abs than I have right now. I think this might have to do more with genetics as I have always had trouble losing the fat on my lower back and sides. My diet overall I would rate as around 85 to 90%. Although lately I have had more meals and treats then anytime during the first 75 days. Having said all this I am fitting in pants that I have not had on in 2 years. So my body is moving in the right direction.

Were to now. I have 5 days left of exercise with P90. I will take two days off once I am done and start doing some p90x routines to get use to the pace and craziness Tony drives us to do. Then Nov 1 is my test day for P90X and then Back/Chest on the 2nd.

Its great to see something thru from start to finish. I look fwd to the the challenges P90X will bring! I all I have to remember is – PUSH PLAY and BRING IT!

September 25, 2009

6 Ways to Overcome a Plateau

Filed under: Fitness Information — Just Push Play Fitness @ 5:19 pm
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It’s inevitable. At some point during your exercise program your body will fail to respond to the exercise and diet that has guaranteed you results in the past. This state, know as “the plateau effect,” is your body hitting the proverbial wall. Strength increases dwindle; fat loss slows; lean muscle gains aren’t as apparent. Life was good at the beginning of the program when your body responded by shedding massive fat, gaining pounds of muscle, and gaining superhero strength almost over night. Welcome to reality.

Individuals new to an exercise program typically achieve astounding results in the first 3, 6, or 12 months simply because their bodies are unaccustomed to vigorous activity. The central nervous system slowly employs additional muscle fibers to maximize performance; the body becomes stronger, more efficient, and capable of greater performance. The increase in muscle fiber increases exercise performance which, in turn, improves body composition. However, there is a limit to these “newbie gains” (as often called by the bodybuilding community).

So what can you do to push beyond the inevitable plateau?

1. Clean up your diet. As your body fat percentage lowers the body clings to its remaining fat stores making it harder to lose additional body fat. Your diet must remain very, very clean to drop below 10% for males and 15% for females.

2. Cheat or refeed. Ok, this may be counterintuitive and in conflict with number 1 above. However, if you follow a very clean diet your body may need to be shocked. This is when eating pizza, nachos, etc. can actually jumpstart your metabolism and help push beyond your plateau. Many folks don’t believe in a dirty cheat meal (pizza, nachos, french fries, etc.) but believe in a refeed meal or day. A refeed meal is a clean meal (very little saturated fat) that’s high in complex carbs or good fats.

3. Zig-zag calorie and/or carb intake. Keep fats low. If trying to lose fat, this would entail 2-4 days of sub-BMR calorie intake followed by 1 day of at (or just above)-BMR calorie intake. If trying to gain lean musle, this would entail 2-4 days of increased calorie intake followed by 1 day of at (or sub)-BMR calorie intake. This ensures your metabolism never settles and that you don’t lose too much muscle (when trying to lose fat) or gain too much fat (when trying to gain muscle).

4. Rest. Vigorous exercise puts a lot of stress on the body. Consider 7-10 days of forcing yourself to not exercise. If you’ve worked out hard and consistently for 6+ week you should consider taking a week to let your body recover. This gives your joints a much needed break as well as a mental refresh to pick up the intensity when you return to training.

5. Variety. Consider adding variety to your exercise. You can try varying the weights and doing more or less reps (always to fatigue though). Try performing different exercises to work the body in a slightly different manner (e.g. replace concentration curls with preacher curls, replace the elliptical with the treadmill). Try to adjust timings in your exercise routine (e.g. give yourself 1 min rest between sets instead of 2 minutes). Try adding things like supersets, dropsets, negatives, etc. to your lifts. Try to introduce more intensity into your cardio (e.g. do a slow jog 3 days per week and run sprints 1 or 2 days a week). These are just a few things to prevent your body from adapting to a typical, repetitive routine.

6. Intensity. Perhaps your exercise intensity and focus has waned over time. Could be mental, physical or both. Exercise is only as effective as it’s intensity. You must train hard and with consistency. Consider setting a new goal if your problem is mental. Consider supplements such as creatine if your problem is physical. Consider training with a partner if your problem is accountability. Just remember, you can’t spell “workout” without “work.” Don’t make the gym experience overly social.

Goal Fitness and Nutrition: What have YOU got to lose?

Article Source: http://physicalfitnessarticles.net

September 22, 2009

Ab Ripper

Filed under: Ab Ripper,P 90,sculpt 3-4,sweat 3-4 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:12 pm
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Hi Everyone,
No pictures yet as I have not had time to grab my wife to take them. I hopefully will have them up by this weekend.

I am now moving to level 3 to level 4 with sculpt and sweat. Simple pushing my self harder. For ad ripper 200 I have moved from 20 to 25 reps per exercise. Made a huge difference regarding the intensity.

I feel 100% stronger in the last 2 weeks. My cloths feel looser. The only issue is, I want to eat more then my 2000 calories. I will stick with my calorie count for the next month, then decide what to do from there.

I am considering doing P90X next over the P90 Master Series. Not sure what to do. If anyone has suggests, please add your comments.

September 16, 2009

So the time is here:

Filed under: Uncategorized — Just Push Play Fitness @ 6:30 pm
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I hopefully will be taking my measurements and pictures tomorrow. I think there has been a marked improvment over that past 60 days. Well, at least on can hope! Please check in to see what I look like.

Sculpt 3-4 tonight. I can wait. Feel much more refreshed today then the past week!

September 14, 2009

Busy Week

Filed under: Uncategorized — Just Push Play Fitness @ 9:10 pm
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Hi Everyone,

The works are going extremely well. I can feel me slowly moving out of Level 3 and pushing hard to Level 4. I take my updated pics in three days. I cant wait to see the change. It is very exciting!
I have hockey everyday this week. So early morning workouts and I will have Thursday off. My only concern is becoming bored, P90 is really the same thing over and over again. It can become hmmmmm hard at times. Really the only complaint I have about P90.
Talk soon!

September 6, 2009


Hi everyone,

Hockey has been awesome. The regular season starts this coming Friday against Drumheller. Should be a good game.

I take vitamins and protein powder from Nutrilite. I have not used the beach body products simply because I like what I am using now. I do plan in the future to use BB products just not right now.

For the past 2 weeks I have taking my vitamins and protein powder(1/2 scoop) right after workouts. Reason why I started doing this was because of some of the articles I have been reading about absorption rates being higher right after workouts. So I thought I would try it. I have to say I do believe there is some truth to it. Here are some of the differences I have felt:

1) No muscle soreness at all. Now when I went from 1-2 to 3-4 levels, I had some muscle fatigue but no soreness. The difference between the two levels is night and day.
2) Energy level is higher after the workouts then before. This might be the biggest difference. My recovery is very quick and I can move on with the rest of my day.
3) Less muscle fatigue is WAY LESS then before. Now I still feel it but at much lower degree after the workout.

I hope this some amount of info will help you decide to try the supplements after your workout. It did well for me, hopefully it will help you as well.

Have a great day

September 2, 2009

The 3-4 level

Filed under: Ab Ripper,P 90,sculpt 3-4,sweat 3-4 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 2:25 am
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I have done sculpt and Sweat 3-4 with ab ripper 200, twice each.

Lets just say it is no normal jump. Levels 3-4 are WAY harder.

Couple differences:

1) I moved up from 10lbs to 15-20 lbs and still doing anywhere from 12 to 15 reps.
2) I 80% of the squats and lunges with dumbells
3) There 40% more pushups with different variety
4) Less rest time between sets
5) Sweat has more pace and intensity
6) I use 2lbs hand weight when doing leg kicks and arm punches
7) Ab ripper 100 does very little to prepare you for the 200. I just keep up with Tony and the kids. Just keeping up means very poor form by the end of the round. I am now not trying to keep up but concentrate more on form.

My body feels very drained after each work out and I can feel a difference the next day with my recovery as my muscles feel slightly heavy in the morning.

The best news is my body is changing and I am leaning out with greater definition.

August 30, 2009

Quick Update

Filed under: Uncategorized — Just Push Play Fitness @ 4:35 am
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WHEW! What a week, Kodiaks Main Camp, 2 practices on fri and sat at 10 am, birthday party, scouted two games for Under 16 team and some how figured in 4 workouts in all of this. Now off at 7.30 am for all day golf and meal. Then Monday off work and coaching in a first exhibition game. Then Tuesday off to my new job. Love it though, missed the hockey talk, being around good people and the challenge of winning a national championship. Anyways – to my workouts Sweat 3-4 not as hard as I thought. Sculpt 3-4 different story it is much harder with all the pushups. But love the feeling of being bagged right after its done. Cant wait to see what I look like on day 90. My diet has been okay, I haven’t cheated much, couple of cookies and one small spoon full of ice cream. So overall not bad. Little low on calories. My meal plans will start going back up soon once I am around the computer a bit more.

August 24, 2009

First Sculpt 3-4

Filed under: sculpt 3-4,sweat 3-4 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 8:09 pm
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Good Afternoon !!!!

Today we switch from P90 1-2 to 3-4. Also picked up some 15 and 20 lbs dumbells as well.

I did an early morning workout today since I hockey starts today and will not have time in the evenings for the next three days.
So I did sculpt 3-4 this morning. It is WWWWAAAAYYYYY harder then 1-2. I loved it.

I eat bran flakes and blue berries before which felt fine during the workout. Then I eat 2 eggs with salsa after. That didnt go as well. I choked those down due to feeling a little sick. I push my self and the leg exercises really got me. I was using extra weight when doing the lunge exercises LOL. I did them all and never took a break!

Hockey starts today – Awesome! Three days of main camp and then the grind to pick the team. I have been waiting all summer for this day! I will take the next two days off and then hit Sweat 3-4 on Thurday!

Meal Plan August 23 09

Filed under: Diet Plan — Just Push Play Fitness @ 1:59 pm
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Meal Plan August 23

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