Just Push Play Fitness

July 21, 2009

Sculpt 1-2 – First time in week!

Filed under: Sculpt 1-2 — Just Push Play Fitness @ 3:12 am
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I was not sure how this workout was going to be since I am still so sleep deprived from last weeks hockey. Having said that it was a GREAT workout. I have lost some conditioning due to the week off. Hence my chest, shoulders and arms are really heavy at the moment. At the moment I am very tired! I go hard this week then off for a vacation with the family. We are going to Drumheller to see the dinosaurs. Then off to the Mountains to chase bears. Great agility training! LOL. Then back home on August 4th. Then hockey starts for the season at the end of August. I hope to have the 90 days done with P90 sometime in October! I am nodding of here so I will go now. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

July 10, 2009

Sculpting and Pushups and Bands

Filed under: P 90,Sculpt 1-2,Uncategorized — Just Push Play Fitness @ 1:44 pm
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My wife and I done 11 workouts so far and not missed a day! Very happy to see us extending our commitment.

We did our sculpting 1-2 again last night, second time doing it. The Bands that came with the P90 are MUCH more HARDER then I thought they would be. I would say it was more difficult then the weights. I did use the 10 lbs weights for the all back and tricep exercises. The weights allow for better form. My upper body muscles are fatigued, and are not sore. Which means I can push myself a bit harder during the next workouts!

The pushups ……… Not bad for the first set of 15 in the normal stance. Second set of wide pushups I hit the wall about the 13 rep but the killer is the 7-7-7.  I am done about rep 12 with the narrow pushup! I am on my knees for rest of them! So lots of improvement!

As you can see my diet is going well. I will most my meal plan again. I was hungry last night, really hungry. So I had a cup of pea pods 30 minutes before my workout. Didnt effect my effort! I had a 1 cup of Chocolate milk for my recovery drink after the work out.  Talk later!

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