Just Push Play Fitness

November 26, 2012

The Secret to Fitness Success is 6 inches!

Since 2009 I have been working out on a consistent basis. I have seen or read about so many success stories! Even my story up to this point has been a success, 20 lbs later I am feeling and looking better (despite this back injury). I and all the people who are featured in these success stories all do the same thing, we use a workout routine we like and clean nutritional habits. These two aspects must happen!

Having said this, the biggest change we all have made has been the “6 inches” between our ears! This is the secret to our success! I am going to share what I believe. most people need to understand and master for you to ‘feel’ your success. These mental skills will power you through your road blocks!


Self Talk

What we tell ourselves goes a long way. At some point in our fitness journey we ask ourselves,

“Ugh, I am to over weight, I cant change!”, “Why are these clothes fitting so tight! I cant lose lose weight”

At some point we have all been there. The facts are, the more we think and say these comments the sooner we are off track. How many of you are shaking your heads, saying to your self, “Yes that is me!”? First, right your goals down. Make 3 things you want to accomplish this month. Then print these goals and have them where you will constantly see/read them – fridge, mirror in bathroom or your workplace. Repeat reading them over and over. The other pillar I used was finding like minded people to support me. I had my wife, Shellie for this as well as the forums at Team Beach Body to help me through my tough moments. This helped me limit the negative talk and to help me understand I was not alone. I have to say the people you surround yourself with can change the way you think and feel about yourself. Make the adjustments so you are engaging with your own positive self talk and stick with it!


Hard Hat

We need to accept the fact, adversity is always right around the corner. We have two paths we can decide to go down:

Those that fail give up at the slightest sign of adversity.  They willingly accept that “things got busy” or “I had a bad day” and then they complain that they can’t seem to get healthy or lose the weight. 

Those who succeed!  They put on their “hard hats,” and go to work. No complaints. No excuses.  No feeling sorry for themselves.  Just forward progress.  They mentally forge forward reminding themselves of their goals, read their affirmations and do the work. If they need support they find it and use it to their advantage!

We need to strengthen the “6 inches”, inorder be a leader of our selves and be mentally strongl! Put your ‘hard hat’ on and make a difference to feel better every day!



The temptation in your mind says “no cooking for me today I am eating out” or “my TV is calling me!” So we have these “excuses” running through our minds. I know I did! The temptation to create an un-focused environment. Were our mind creates a temptation like TV to be our savoir from sweat. I love to watch sports, specifically hockey, so back in 2009 I would do my work out and as my reward I could watch the game. It worked for me! Over time my temptation turned to habits and now I hardly watch any TV. My workouts and nutrition are far higher on the priority list.

Your mind is very very powerful and you need to ‘cut’ the negative self talk.

“How long will it take to see results?” “I am tired of making these meals 5-6 times a day”

You are in control , you are responsible and you can adapt and change your thoughts within those “6 inches”. It may take time, some ups and downs and lots of support but in the end its worth it. I am living proof of that.

Comment below if you have questions, concerns or just a general comment! We are all working together!



November 8, 2012

Your fitness Goal has been reached, Now What?

Over the past couple weeks since I have been spreading the news of my involvement with Team Beach Body. One question has been asked more then any other. “I reached my goal(s) and then I fell back back into my old rut and lose everything I gained! I’m frustrated, what do I need to do to make me happy?”  When I  first heard these stories, I was confused. If you reached you goals, then continue doing what got you there. Seems like the simple answer, but it is not the case.

After talking to numerous people this past week, they talked about things such as boredom, lack of support, weak nutritional habits (no accountability)  and time commitment. These are just a few reasons for their down fall. At the end of the day like I told many of them, they are making excuses of not breaking their old habits. On a positive side there are ways to keep the momentum going once you have reached your original goal(s).

1) BE PROACTIVE: This is something my Dad told me when I was very young. Know where you are going before you get there. Look at new goals that you might want to achieve. One new goal might be a new workout program just to relieve the boredom from the previous program. Have the program ready to use a week prior to finishing your original program, so you can review and understand your new work before starting it. A must do, is set new short and long term goals! I was shocked what was hearing, that many of them never thought of making new goals. Take the time to write out what else you might want to achieve. Really the list can be endless if you are pro-active!

2) FIND POSITIVE SUPPORT: During the conversations, I found out most of the goals were  to lose weight. To their credit most reached their goals on their own with no or very little support. Many talked about their personal struggles not having anyone to open up to through good and down times. They felted mentally fatigued.  You need to find someone who you can trust, respect and to listen and give advice. This person can help you keep you on track and you transition from one goal to the next. They should keep you accountable for the actions and decisions you make. For example, the  WOWY Super Gym would be one tool people can use to have a buddy system, or find a coach/trainer (I can help you for Free)  who can help you guide your way with their experience.

3) LIFE STYLE: Its an interesting society we live in. Many people do things for the short term, for the immediate result. Once that result has been achieved we fall back into the old habits. Soon we find out selves wallowing in our own self pity. This might be the biggest key to keeping your fitness moving forward. Its simple, if you want to be more fit its not a matter of making small or large sacrifices but the mentality which you are willing to make a life style change! This life style change includes nutrition, self talk, committed workout days and better sleep habits. They must understand their  healthy live style becomes a part of who they, how they think and what they eat. They must be committed to their health long term!

I was impressed many of the people I talked with reached their original goal(s)! To keep consistent and motivated to make a true life style change, which can be stressful for many people. To relief some of the stress, positive self talk and finding someone who is supportive with your goals, are Key!  It happened to me last night. It was late (9.30 pm) and I was tired and I said to my wife , “I am not going to do  yoga tonight.” She said she would do it with me, even after her 40 minute swim that morning. How can I say no to her when she has already worked out. So off we went to our workout room to do Tony Horton’s Fountain of Youth yoga. It was a great workout!  Thanks Hun for supporting my new healthy life style!

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