Just Push Play Fitness

November 16, 2012

Slim in 6 On Sale for a Limited Time




Reshape your body in just 6 weeks with Slim in 6®. Thousands of people have lost up to 25 pounds in 6 weeks with this breakthrough system—and you can too.

This is a limited Time Offer – Grab it while you can!

Slim in 6 Base Kit: Was $59.85, NOW: $39.90

Click Here for more information!


October 29, 2012

Slim in 6 – Fantastic Fitness Program for the Beginner

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Just starting your at home fitness program? Don’t know where to start?
Slim in Six is a great program for beginners! http://tiny.cc/fslwmw


Tragic Store – End the Obsiety Trend

This article is from Carl Daikeler, CEO, of Team Beach Body. A story that everyone needs to read!

I received this note this morning from Beachbody Coach Dave Ward.

Good morning Carl,

I have a story to share, that isn’t very happy I’m afraid. The reminders of who we are, what we do and the urgency of the task at hand are often harsh. In June, a man name Adriel Barrera gave us one of those. He had about 100 pounds to lose and was working with one of our Coaches (Ryan Chapman who has himself lost over 100 pounds) and they became very close over about a two year period. Adriel actually decided to become a Coach and became very passionate about our cause, because he saw it as a way to help himself, while helping others. He accepted responsibility for what he had done to his body and then accepted responsibility for changing it. He also had a big WHY: “I am interested in staying alive for my 7 year old daughter and wife”. He was on that path. Unfortunately, Adriel fell victim to a massive heart attack that took his life. He leaves behind a wife and daughter that will undoubtedly miss him very much.

His wife logged into his Facebook account yesterday to give us a message of love and hope, explain the circumstances surrounding his death and to thank Ryan for doing what he did to try and save Adriel’s life. The harsh reality is that we didn’t get to help Adriel quick enough. That hurts quite a lot, as I’m sure you can imagine. Ryan rallied and did what he could to help the family (more on that here), but reality is reality and Adriel Barrera doesn’t get a second chance.

If you are reading this, don’t wait…don’t hesitate…don’t over-think it…stop planning…stop procrastinating…stop trying to figure out the perfect system, and just do it. People that need help are everywhere around you. Find one. Even one can make a huge difference. The life you save may be your own, or it may be someone else’s. That’s who we are and what we do. – Dave Ward.

No one ever enjoys reading these kinds of stories. But worse would be to know of it and not share it in order to avoid a similar outcome for anyone else we can reach sooner than later. For that, I commend Dave for putting this out there.

Adriel’s story is further proof that the consequences of ignoring lifestyle issues are very real, and very painful. Not just painful for the person who’s life is limited or cut short, but for everyone around them who aches. Adriel will be missed, but his example will hopefully help us turn this tragic story into a story of hope for the others we can reach out to…

And we have to do it TODAY. Not tomorrow. Not after the holidays. TODAY. This is our work.

Get started now! End the trend! Here is your first step! Let me help guide you!

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